Conduct and discipline

This page provides information about the conduct expected of our students. This section also provides information about disciplinary procedures and criminal convictions.

Reporting your concerns about another student’s conduct
Local Disciplinary Action
University Disciplinary
Criminal Offences
Student Alcohol and Drugs Policy
Advice and Guidance


Student Conduct Policy

Appendix A - Student Conduct Procedures

Appendix B - Student Conduct Breaches and Indicative Sanctions

Student Conduct Concerns - Reporting Form

Criminal Offences Declaration form

Please note, this Policy and accompanying appendices applies to any disciplinary investigation which commenced on or after 1 August 2024. For investigations which commenced prior to 1 August 2024 which have not yet been concluded or for which a Completion of Procedures letter has not yet been issued, please refer to the previous Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline (for a copy please email



University of Liverpool students are required at all times (including during non-term time) to behave as responsible members of the University community, and to represent and uphold the good name of the University allowing all students and staff to study and work in a safe environment. This also applies, for example, to students whilst on University activities such as placements and field trips, when representing the University at events and both while on and off University premises, including behaviour taking place within University-managed and private accommodation.

The following provides a substantive but not exhaustive list of activities which the University regards as misconduct.

  • Any breach of University Ordinances, Regulations, Codes of Practice or Policies.
  • Obstruction or interference with the functions, duties or legitimate activities of any student or members of staff of the University, or any visitor to the University.
  • Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening,or intimidating behaviour or language (whether expressed orally, in writing or electronically including blogs, social networking websites and other electronic means).
  • Actions or behaviours that the University defines as sexual misconduct under Appendix B to this Policy
  • Conduct which damages, or has the potential to damage, the University’s relationship or reputation with its local communities or other bodies or organisations
  • Distribution or publication of a poster, notice, sign, or any electronic publication including audio-visual material, social media post, blog, or webpage, which is offensive, intimidating, threatening, indecent or illegal.
  • Disclosure of another person’s legitimate speech or activity that would place any person at risk of harm.
  • Any behaviour which could constitute discrimination or harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender re-assignment, race, religion (including antisemitism[1]), disability or age of any student or member of staff of the University, honorary staff, recognised teacher, or any visitor to the University.
  • Fraud, deceit, deception, or dishonesty in relation to the University, its staff, students, or visitors.
  • Bribery or attempted bribery including but not limited to offering or giving money, gifts or any other advantage to any student or employee of the University, honorary staff, recognised teacher, or any visitor to the University with the intention of inducing that person to perform their role improperly or of rewarding that person for performing their role improperly.
  • Misrepresentation or falsification of pre-entry qualifications, previous study, work experience, or personal statement which emerges post-admission to a programme of study.
  • Failure to declare a relevant, unspent criminal conviction during the admissions process.
  • Failure to inform the University, whilst registered on a programme of study, of a police investigation, an arrest, conviction, caution or reprimand or charged with any criminal offences including local/community resolution dealt with by the Police. This includes motoring offences (you do not need to declare parking or speeding offences which were subject to fixed penalties). Conviction includes being put on probation or being given an absolute or conditional discharge or being bound over or being given a formal caution.
  • Theft, misappropriation, unauthorised use or misuse of University property, or the property of its students, staff or visitors whilst on University premises or engaged in University business.
  • Falsification of student attendance records, using either manual or electronic systems. Including either using an attendance code while not in attendance or sharing an attendance code with a fellow student not in attendance
  • Misuse of computers or the communications network, including the unauthorised use of the University logo or name, or any breach of the University’s policies on the use of its information systems, including social media.
  • Intentional or reckless damage or defacement to University property or the property of students, staff or visitors whilst on University premises or engaged in University business.
  • Any anti-social behaviour including noise nuisance and behaviour that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to students, staff, contractors and visitors.
  • Action which may cause injury or jeopardise the safety of others whilst on University premises or engaged in University business.
    Unauthorised possession or use on University premises or whilst engaged in University business of any firearm or dangerous weapon.
  • Unauthorised or inappropriate use, whilst on University premises or whilst engaged in University business, of sporting equipment, or similar.
  • Unauthorised entry into another student’s room within University accommodation.
  • Unauthorised use or occupation of University premises.
  • Any breach of a University Tenancy Agreement or Student Licence.
  • Failure to provide proof of identity when requested to do so by a member of staff of the University
  • The possession, sale, supply or the misuse of any controlled drug.
  • Failure to comply with any penalties or sanctions imposed because of the University’s Disciplinary or Risk Assessment Procedures or contempt of those procedures.
  • Any conduct which may be discreditable to the University or may bring the University into disrepute.
  • Failure to comply with the Freedom of Speech Policy and Procedure.
  • Failure to keep any personal property that may cause harm to others secure. Examples include sporting equipment or prescription medication.


Reporting concerns about another student’s conduct

The Report and Support Online platform provides advice and support about reporting. Concerns can be reported either with the reporting parties’ contact details or anonymously. Please note that anonymous allegations cannot normally be investigated but do allow us to identify trends or patterns in specific areas of the University.

Students who wish to raise a concern for investigation under this Policy can:


Local Disciplinary Action

Local Disciplinary Action is generally used for misconduct breaches that are generally contained incidents and/or persistent minor incidents of misconduct. Examples of such misconduct can be found in section 8.3 of the Student Conduct Policy.

Designated staff have the authority to act under Local Disciplinary Action. These are Heads of Department, Deans of Academic Schools and Institutes, Directors of Professional Services, Head of Accommodation, Hall Managers and Wardens, as well as organisations or individuals acting on behalf of the University for the purpose of student discipline under a specific institutional agreement. Examples of sanctions that can be given under Local Disciplinary Action are formal written warnings, withdrawal of access to specific University services or facilities or specific University premises (particularly any services, facilities or premises abused by the responding student).

University Disciplinary

Should you commit a more serious instance of misconduct (e.g. Sexual Misconduct, Violence or Harassment), your case will be considered and investigated by the University. We will assign an Investigating Officer who has the ultimate responsibility of deciding whether or not there is a sufficient case for consideration by the University Disciplinary Panel, or whether or not the case should be referred for Local Disciplinary Action.

In such cases, you will be informed regarding the alleged breach(es) against you and the Officer’s final decision with regard to how the case is to be considered. You should be aware that the University Disciplinary Panel has very significant powers to deal with cases of misconduct. For example, if it is satisfied that a breach of the Student Conduct Policy has occurred, it may impose a fine or other sanction, including suspending a student from the University for a specified period, or it may expel a student from the University. You should also be aware that failure to comply with any sanction imposed either by the University Disciplinary Panel or by Local Disciplinary Action will constitute a further disciplinary offence and, is likely to be referred back to a University Disciplinary Panel.

The University will cooperate with Police and other law enforcement agency investigations and in some circumstances, may have a duty to or choose to share information with the Police where it is in the interest of student or public safety. Police investigations will normally take precedence over internal University disciplinary investigations which would not be initiated until the Police investigation is concluded, unless the status of the Police investigation is not clear. Where the University considers that there may be undesirable consequences for the student to remain at the University during the period of any Police or other investigation, it may initiate the procedures for suspension.


Criminal Offences

The University has a duty of care to its staff and students and it therefore needs to be informed of any alleged criminal activity by its students. Whilst a registered student at the University you are required to declare to the University if you are subject to a police investigation or if you are arrested, convicted, cautioned, reprimanded or charged with any criminal offences including local / community resolution dealt with by Police.  This requirement applies to all students, including distance learners and to investigations, charges and convictions under any country’s laws.

Students should declare any Police investigation, arrest or conviction as outlined above by completing a Criminal Offences Declaration Form and sending this to the Student Conduct Team via email ( You are responsible for updating the Student Conduct Team via email of any changes in your circumstances or the circumstances of your case. This includes being put on probation, being given an absolute or conditional discharge, being bound over or being given a formal caution).

Students need not declare parking or speeding offences which are subject to fixed penalties.

Students on some professional programmes may also be required by their respective Schools to report annually on any current criminal records. This requirement is in addition to the University’s requirement to report such matters to the Student Conduct Team.

Student Alcohol and Drugs Policy

We are committed to ensuring that the use of alcohol and drugs does not have an adverse effect on the working and social conditions of our students, staff and visitors. All students studying on any campus of the University are subject to the provisions of the Student Alcohol and Drugs Policy.


Advice and information

If you become the subject of disciplinary action we would encourage you to seek independent support and advice by contacting the Liverpool Guild Advice Service, either by email to or by phoning 0151 794 6868.

Advice on procedural matters can be obtained from the Student Conduct, Complaints and Compliance Team, who can be contacted by email at 





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