Consumer information

This page provides access to relevant consumer information for students, families and staff members, as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), in relation to the University's participation in the William D. Ford direct loan program provided by the US Department of Education.

An annual notice about the availability of Consumer Information is made prior to the first disbursement of any federal loan. The University will also make available paper copies on request.

Academic programmes (academic majors and programmes)

Information about the University's academic programmes, including degree programmes, is available on our study pages.  

For more information relating to applying from the USA please see our country pages USA | Your country/region | International students | University of Liverpool


The University is listed in the Education (Recognised Bodies) (England) Order 2010 as a recognised degree-awarding body. For further information please visit the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Athletic programme disclosures

The University does not have an athletic programme as defined by the US Department of Education.

Code of conduct for education loans

In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with respect to private education loans, all agents at the University with responsibility for federal and private education loans from the USA are prohibited from the following:

  • Revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender
  • Receiving gifts from a lender, a guarantor, or a loan servicer
  • Contracting arrangements providing financial benefit from any lender or affiliate of a lender
  • Directing borrowers to particular lenders or refusing or delaying loan certifications
  • Offers of funds for private loans
  • Call centre or financial aid office staffing assistance

Advisory board compensation.

Cost of Attendance

Tuition fee costs vary according to the degree programme , more information can be found at Tuition fees | International students | University of Liverpool

Further information for living costs can be found here

We will provide you with individual costs for the following according to your degree programme:

  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation
  • Visa application (including Immigration Health Surcharge)
  • Living Costs

Copyright infringement policies and sanctions (including computer use and file sharing)

For further details please consult the relevant section of the University's IT regulations.

Information about the use of Turnitin UK.

Details about the University's policy on plagiarism.

Default Management Plan for US Federal Loans

Drug and alcohol abuse

The University operates a drug and alcohol abuse policy which is available from our website at Student alcohol and drugs policy

Eligibility exclusions

Distance learning programmes provided in partnership with Kaplan Open Learning are ineligible for Title IV aid (eg direct loans) in accordance with Federal regulations 34 CFR 600.2and 34 CFR 668.38.

Visiting and exchange students or students on an Erasmus/Study Abroad programme (you apply for funds through your home institution).

Programmes that require a compulsory period of study abroad or internship of more than 25% of the length of the programme in the US

Programmes where a compulsory period of more than 25% of the length of the programme is dedicated to study abroad at a Title IV ineligible institution

First Professional Degrees such as Legal Practice Course (LPC) and Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) conducted by the University of Law in Liverpool

Programmes involving modules with ineligible Institutions i.e. Social Research Methods MA with the North West Social Science Training Partnership

Students on these courses may be eligible for private loans

Entrance counselling

It is a requirement that all borrowers complete Entrance Counselling to be eligible to receive a direct loan. The University will not originate any loans for students who have not completed entrance counselling. Details about entrance counselling are available from

Exit counselling

It is a requirement that all borrowers complete exit counselling before ceasing at least half-time study. Further details about exit counselling are available from The University will provide reminder notices to students due to graduate who have not completed exit counselling.

Facilities and services available to students with disabilities

Details of facilities and services available to students with disabilities are available from the Disability Support Team website. 

Please consult the accommodation handbook for further details.

Fire-related incidents are reported to the University's Safety Committee. For further details about these incidents please consult the Safety advisors website.

Freedom of Information

Details about the University's publication scheme, and requests to the University's Freedom of Information Co-ordinator, are available from Freedom of Information.

Gainful Employment

The University is approved to provide Federal Aid to students on a standard degree programme. Therefore, we do not report on Gainful Employment disclosures.

Graduate placement in employment, job placement rates and graduate and professional education choices of graduates

The Destinations of Leavers in Higher Education (DLHE) survey is reported on by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and details are available at Graduate Outcomes Data.

Loan disclosures

Information about the disclosure of loans via NSLDS to loan servicers and other institutions deemed to be authorised by the US Department of Education is available in the terms and conditions for requesting and receiving Title IV aid at the University.

Mature student provision

USA Federal Regulations state that you must have a secondary school completion credential (high school diploma) or the recognised equivalent of a secondary school completion credential to be eligible to receive Federal Student Aid. 

The University does not have a Mature Student Admissions provision policy.

National Student Loan Data System

Details of students taking out loans at the University will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)  This data will be accessible to guaranty agencies, lenders and schools determined to be authorised users of the data system

Placement Year (Internships/Externships)

The internship or externship portion of a program if the internship or externship is governed by accrediting agency standards, or, in the case of an eligible foreign institution, the standards of an outside oversight entity, such as an accrediting agency or government entity, that require the oversight and supervision of the institution, where the institution is responsible for the internship or externship and students are monitored by qualified institutional personnel. 

Preferred lender lists

The University will work with whichever private lender a prospective borrower decides to use if they are willing to work with us. Prospective borrowers should be aware that the majority of private lenders choose not to offer loans to students studying outside the USA.

Privacy of student records

The privacy of student records is encompassed within the University's compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998).

Further information is available on our data protection page.

Private education loan disclosures

Further information about private education loans is available from our webpages. Prospective private education loan borrowers may qualify for loans or other assistance under Title IV, HEA programs and the terms and conditions of Title IV, HEA program loans may be more favourable than the provisions of the private education loans.

Refund policy, requirements for withdrawal and return of Title IV Financial Aid

Further details about withdrawal from studies are available online at leaving your course early The University's Return of Title IV Aid Policy for students in receipt of a federal loan from the US Department of Education is available from the terms and conditions webpage associated with receipt of direct loans.

Retention, completion/graduation and transfer-out rates

Retention rates are available from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) at HESA

Rights and Responsibilities

Student body diversity

For further details please visit the Diversity and Equality Team website.

Student disciplinary procedures

Details of the University's expectations for student conduct and discipline, and of the Student Disciplinary Procedure, are available on the conduct and discipline page.

Student financial aid information

For information about direct loans at the University of Liverpool please consult our website.

Student loan information published by the US Department of Education

Details about Title IV, HEA loan programs are available from Federal Student Aid.

Tax Return (IRS Tax Form 1098-T)

The University of Liverpool does not currently complete 1098-T tax forms for its US students. We can provide you with a Certificate of Fees Paid Letter, please email

For information purposes, the University school code is G09249 and our Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 98-6001335


The University issues lists of recommended reading; there are no required book purchases.

Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements

The University operates a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy available from the Academic Quality and Standards Division webpages. A list of institutions with which the University of Liverpool has established articulation agreements is available on the collaborative provision webpage.


For information about Student Health and Wellbeing please visit Student Health.

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