Timetabling team

Student Administration and Support Division coordinates the academic teaching timetable across the University and schedules exam timetables.

Academic timetable

The 2023/2024 Academic Timetable is now live, you can view activities via the Timetables App and in the Timetable Portal. 

Academic timetable change requests

If a staff member wishes to request a change to the published timetable, they must submit a Timetable Change Request Form 23/24. The completed form must be emailed as an attachment to your School-Based Timetabling Contacts.  

Please note, that late changes (changes submitted beyond the deadline date) need to be reviewed by your Faculty/School, before being submitted to the timetabling team. Any forms submitted that do not include confirmation/sign-off, will not be considered, or processed.  This includes copying in or forwarding without specific confirmation that this has been considered and signed off. 

Download Timetable Change Request Form 23-24 -V2

Timetabling intranet

You can access the timetabling intranet by visiting https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/intranet/timetabling/.

Exam timetable 

The next exam period will be the Semester two Assessment Period. These will take place from Monday 13th – Friday 31st May 2024 (excluding weekends). 

Your personalised timetable for any in-person exams and/or online exams that are  24 hours or less will be available from Wednesday 3rd April 2024.

Please access your exam timetable (from 03/04/2024) via the Exam Timetable Portal using the following link: - 

Personal Examination Timetable - Student Intranet - University of Liverpool

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