Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

A new Student Complaints Policy and Procedure will be used from 1st March 2024, this Policy can be accessed below.

Any student who has already submitted a complaint prior to this date can continue to use the previous Policy and Procedure, copies are available from


Making a complaint

If, having consulted the Student Charter (found within "Your University" student handbook), you wish to proceed with a complaint you may invoke the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure. 

Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

The Student Complaints Policy and Procedures sets out how students may seek to have their complaint addressed.  It should be recognised that the vast majority of concerns which a student may have can be handled fairly, amicably and to the satisfaction of all concerned on an informal basis through Early Resolution. 

Formal Complaint

If you wish to submit a Formal Complaint, please use the below pro-forma

Student Formal Complaint ProForma

When you have completed this form, please return it to the person responsible for handling your complaint in the first instance, which can be found in the Annual Annexe to the Student Charter.

Request for Review

If you wish to request a Review of a Formal Outcome, please ensure you meet the grounds to request a review and use the below pro-forma

Student Request to Review a Formal Complaint Outcome ProForma

Support and Advice

Informal advice about the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure may be obtained from the Academic Compliance Team in Student Administration and Support, (email, or from the Guild of Students (

Complaints about Major Disruption

In the case of any major disruption affecting large numbers of students, an amended complaints procedure may be brought into use. This procedure is not currently active.

The Student Complaints Policy and Procedure does not cover the following matters for which separate procedures exist:

  • Appeals against academic assessment and progress decisions
  • Disciplinary issues
  • Complaints relating to the Guild of Students