VIDEO - Olympic and Paralympic stars open refurbished Sports Centre

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Andy Craig: "The investment provides first-rate facilities to support and inspire students, staff and the local community"

Olympic and Paralympic stars who graduated from the University of Liverpool open the University’s £4.5million refurbishment of the sports facilities.

Alison Mowbray, Matthew Dimbylow and Chika Yagazie Chukwumerij studied at the University before going on to compete in the Olympic and Paralympic games.

Olympic alumni

Whilst studying for a BSc in Microbial Biotechnology, Alison took up rowing for the University team.  By 1997 she had made her debut for the GB rowing team and in 2004 she won silver medal at the Athens Olympics.

Matthew Dimbylow graduated with a Bsc in Movement Science and Physical Education in 1992.  Whilst playing semi-professional football in 2003 he received a head injury which in 2007 was found to be Extra Pyramidal Syndrome.  In 2008, Matt discovered he was eligible for the Paralympic Games and went on to Captain Team GB’s Paralympian football team at both the Beijing and London Olympics.

Chika "Yaga" Chukwumerij graduated with a Masters in Operations and Supply Chain Management in 2010.  A Nigerian national champion in tae kwon do from 2002 - 2011, Chika won a bronze at the Beijing Olympics and competed in London 2012.

Andy Craig, Director of Sport at the University of Liverpool, said: "It seems appropriate to celebrate the completion of the two-year refurbishment of our facilities with our former students and Olympic and Paralympic stars.

"The investment reflects not only the legacy of London 2012 but provides first-rate facilities to support and inspire students, staff and the local community to enjoy sport in the city’s decade of Health and Wellbeing."

£4.5M investment

The £4.5million investment enhanced the pool and changing facilities, doubled the size of the fitness area and supported an integrated weight training facility and dance studio.

The University’s development of sports facilities began 75 years ago when local businessman Walter Harding donated £12,000 to a gymnasium adjoining the Guild of Students on Mount Pleasant.  In the 1960s the University opened its first Sports Centre, designed by Sir Denys Lasdun, best known for designing National Theatre on the South Bank, providing a sports centre and swimming pool under one roof.


[callout title=Read more] University swimming facilities open to public after £2.5M investment [/callout]