Sport Liverpool and the 2012 Olympics

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Sport Liverpool is aiming to provide increased opportunities for staff and students to become more active in 2012 and the Olympic year will see a number of new initiatives on offer.

The first event, Olympic Sports Promotion Day takes place in the Echo Arena on Sunday 22 January, 11am-5pm, and is a Council-led day promoting sports to the people of Merseyside. The free event includes special guests Steve Parry, Beth Tweddle and Steve Smith. Visitors can drop in anytime during the day.

As part of the Olympic programme, and in aid of Sport Relief, Sport Liverpool will be holding a mass Zumba workout in the Mountford Hall in the Guild of Students and the Sport Centre at the same time. This will take place on Tuesday 7 February at 5.10pm and entry is by donation. Contact Stuart Wade for more information.

On Saturday 5 May there will be the first ‘test event’ at the Olympic Stadium with the British Universities Athletics Championships hosted in front of 40,000 people. Student members of the University Athletics Club will be performing at the Stadium in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The student championship also offers members of the public a chance to experience a live event at the London 2012 flag ship venue. Tickets will be made available at: when released on sale.

Other events this year will include a run which will incorporate the Torch Route in February, a Swimathon at the end of April and the Olympic Torch will be in Liverpool on Friday 1 June.

Look out for further information all events coming in the next few months on the University News website or the Sport Liverpool website.