`Mental WealthFest’ to mark World Mental Health Day

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It is estimated that around 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems every year in Britain

To mark World Mental Health Day, the University’s Counselling Service is proud to present `Mental WealthFest’, a fun festival to showcase some of the mental health and wellbeing services and activities which are available at the University.

It is estimated that around 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems every year in Britain. There are times when people suffer from low mood, anxiety or stress and for some mental health conditions become more serious and access to support can be an ongoing struggle or even feel impossible.

`Mental WealthFest’ will showcase a range of support services from in and around the University including LGBT society, Faith Express, Counselling and the University’s Mental Health Advisory Service, Sport Liverpool and many more.

Local organisation, Genie in the Gutter, will be bringing along their Genie Band, performing a range of music to suit all tastes.

An introductory session in to mindfulness meditation and guided relaxation session will also be available.

As part of ‘Mental WealthFest’, the Centre for Research into Reading (CRILS) and the Reader Organisation are presenting a panel of academics, practitioners and public health directors to explore the power of literary reading in improving the quality of life for older people and their carers.

Two in five older people in care homes suffer depression, with over 820,000 people currently living with Alzheimer's and other dementias in the UK.

The panel includes Helen Wilson (The Reader Organisation), Dr Josie Billington (CRILS) and Fiona Johnstone (Director of Public Health, Policy & Performance, Wirral Council)

`Mental WealthFest’ takes place on Thursday 10th October from 11-3pm in the Sport Centre.

`Reading for Life: The Role of Literature in Dementia Care’ will take place in seminar room 1 in the Sherrington Building from 12.30-13.30pm.

Further information and details of the how to book a place at the please visit http://www.liv.ac.uk/mhealth/mwf/ or contact Claire.sanders@liv.ac.uk
