Interview: Fee reduction for Mexican students

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mexicoflag-1wLiverpool is home to students from 138 countries, including Mexico

Mexican students applying to study postgraduate courses at the University of Liverpool are eligible for a 10% reduction in their tuition fees under a new scheme.

Postgraduate taught and research students accepted to study on any of the University’s courses are eligible for the scheme, which is operated in partnership with FIDERH  (Fund for Development of Human Resources), a federal trust managed by the Central Bank of Mexico which has been financing graduate studies for over 40 years.

Liverpool is home to more students from 138 countries including dozens from Mexico and the University’s International Team regularly visits the country to talk about study in the UK.

For a student perspective on University life, we asked MSc Entrepreneurship student, Lizbeth Zumarraga, from Merida, Mexico, what it’s like studying and living in Liverpool.


What attracted you to come and study in Liverpool and the UK?

"Two years ago I decided that I wanted to do a master’s degree in entrepreneurship, but I found that there wasn’t a great deal of choice in the area that I particularly wanted.  I was very happy when I found Liverpool, as they offered exactly the course I wanted to study. I loved the idea of coming to a Russell Group university, rated in the world's top 1%, and meeting people from Liverpool, experiencing the culture and of course supporting Liverpool FC!

What do you like about the city and the UK in general?

When I came to Liverpool I did not know what to expect, however from the first week I realised that this could be the perfect place to live.  I don’t feel as though I am an international student living abroad, I feel like this is my home. I particularly like the Albert Dock where you can admire the view of the waterfront, and explore the city’s history. I like the UK because it is very easy to travel around; you can go by train or by bus to many different places such as London, Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, York and many others.

What do you like about the University?

What I am really enjoying is meeting lots of amazing people from different parts of the world. I have the opportunity to study and practice my favourite hobby, basketball, at the University’s Sport Centre, as well as be part of the business competition programme, called SPICE.  I am also a Student Representative for my course. The University of Liverpool has outstanding support for international students, you notice it from the first email you get from the University. They are always nice, respectful and very helpful. There are different societies and staff to help international students in every step of the journey.

Are there any major differences between the UK and life and study in Mexico?

In my personal opinion, the style of life and education in Liverpool is completely different to in Mexico.  These differences have given me a new and varied perspective. Lecturers at the University encourage you to think critically and perform to the best of your ability.  The 24 hour libraries help in this regard and enable you to work hard and strive for consistently good results. English traditions are also very interesting…  I now like to drink tea with milk, and have dinner at the earlier time of 7pm. When Liverpool FC are playing it seems like the whole city is on the same page. Going to any bar to see the soccer game is a real ‘Scouse experience’. You have to live it to understand it!

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