Volleyball Court

This sand court is available to host recreational and competitive beach volleyball for both athletes and anyone who has a competitive streak with their friends. Volleyball is a great way to exercise as it's fun, physically demanding and fantastic at improving coordination.

Details of activity

This slice of Rio on campus is open all day, every day and is available for staff and students to use free of charge. There's no need to book, simply turn up and compete with your friends or anyone else who's there. Our volleyball court hosts sand, tennis and fitness classes with a difference, for all.


  • Improve fitness
  • Meet new people
  • Learn a new skill.

Active Campus

Here at Sport Liverpool, we have decided to take action and help our students and staff get active on campus. Our aim is to inspire students and staff to be physically active through health promotion and excellent sports and fitness provision. What this looks like for you is a range of fun, engaging and free activities across the University of Liverpool campus designed to help you get active during your studies or professional careers.

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