Charity Staff Sports Day - Full event details

Competitive Activities – Faculties going head to head for the most points! Points for winning competitions, setting the longest distances!

Futsal: Sports Hall 2 (downstairs) 10-1pm

Futsal – FIFA’s official 5 a side football variation. Played to lines, with a heavier ball, futsal is quick, exciting and with plenty more opportunities to dribble and shoot in comparison to 11-a-side and other small sided formats. Developed in South America is one of the fastest growing indoor sprots in the world and responsible for the development of players including: Neymar, Ronaldinho, Xavi, Iniesta, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo!

Watch a short intro to the game HERE

Our Tournament will have some adapted variations on this and these will be distributed and explained in advance of the event.

Differences to 5-a-side:

  • Weighted Ball (bounces twice).
  • Played to Lines.
  • Time limits on restarts (4 seconds).
  • Kick in’s on the side lines.
  • Keeper can only have the ball in one phase of Possession (can have the ball again if it touches the opposition or goes out of play).
  • Roll on Roll off Subs (player must leave the court before the sub enters the court).

Each Faculty will be able to enter x2 Squads of 7. If there are spaces, this can be opened up further.

Group 1 will take place 10-11am

Group 2 will take place 11-12pm

SF, 3rd v 4th & Final 12-1pm

Pickleball (Doubles): Sports Hall 1 (Upstairs) 10-1pm

Pickleball is a fast emerging sport across America and Europe. A Padel based sport, combing elements tennis, table tennis and badminton.

Played on a court the size of a badminton court (don’t worry about the inside tramlines).

Key Rules

  • Service rules – drop and serve underarm.
  • 2 bounce rule before a volley.
  • ‘The Kitchen’ where you are unable to volley the ball.
  • Points – can only score on your service game.

Watch a video on pickleball HERE

Each Faculty can enter up to 8 players for the Competition in to 4 Pairs. Where there will be 4 x 4 Groups leading in to a Top Tier Competition for those finishing 1st/2nd & A Foundation Tier for those finishing 3rd/4th.

Swimming - Relay: Sports Centre Swimming Pool 10am-1pm 

20 Spaces throughout the day, Team members will be asked to complete so many lengths of the swimming pool to work towards the overall team goal. With teams gaining 5 Points per 50 Lengths of the pool completed. The Rota of swimmers will be dictated once the submissions for a space are confirmed. 

Biathlon: Outside the Spots Centre 10am-1.30pm.

A drop in Activity throughout the day – each faculty will have 1 Spin Bike & 1 Rower to hit the highest distance possible! The drop in activity will allow for members of each faculty to drop in and out when suitable and contribute to their teams score! 5 points per 50 Km completed!

Tug of War:

8 spots available for the competitive event - with Semi-finals & a Final! 

Social Sports activities: 

On University Square - we will have Crazy Golf, food venders and cornhole! 
On Abercromby - we will have egg & Spoon races, sack races and other silly games! 

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