Photo of Dr Roy Coleman

Dr Roy Coleman B.A, M.A, PhD

Lecturer Sociology and Criminology Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology


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General Areas of Research

Urban governance & regeneration; emotion and state power; surveillance and social ordering; sociological and criminological theory; consciousness and synoptic viewing; processes and practices of social harm

State, Power, Emotion

Co-Coordinator of State, Power, Emotion Research and Reading Rroup based at UoL

Organiser of:

Research Collaborations

Prof Steve Tombs and Prof Joe Sim

External: Liverpool John Moores University

This informal research cluster (including Dave Whyte at University of Sterling) is exploring the production of harms in the process of urban regeneration with a veiw to putting together a funded research bid.

Barry Goldson, Karen Evans, Lynn Hancock


To work on ideas around spatial and social regenaration, crime control and the experience of marginal groups (homeless, asylum seekers, stereet workers, youth). This will then go forward for a major ESRC grant application.