Police box attached to the wall.

N8 Policing Research Partnership

The N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8 PRP) was established to foster research collaborations to champion, enable, and support policing research and its impact. The Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology has been actively involved in the N8 PRP since its inception.

Digital Coercive Control Close up of a mobile phone

Digital coercive control

What is the nature of digital coercive control; what policing responses exist and where are improvements needed; and what training and tools do police officers need?

Who Is The Victim? Taped up dummies.

Who is the victim?

Identifying victims and perpetrators in coercive control cases.

High Risk High Harm A black and white photograph of a hand held up in front of them.

Strategies for disrupting high risk high harm domestic abuse

Police strategies for managing serious domestic abuse perpetrators.

Every ticket tells a story A police car at night in the rain.

Every ticket tells a story

Piloting a ‘whole story’ approach to understanding ethnic disproportionality in FPNs issued for breaching coronavirus restrictions.