Research impact

Explore some of the ongoing research projects from the Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology, and the real-life impact they have had.

We are delighted that in the REF 2021 results announcement on Thursday 12 May 2022, SSPC has placed 3rd in the REF for 4* outputs.

Youth justice, human rights and penal detention Prof Barry Goldson plus a black and white image of two children behind fencing

Youth justice, human rights, and penal detention (REF2021 case study)

The functioning and effects of youth justice systems – Professor Barry Goldson.

Closing Justice Gaps Research Impact collage - Closing Justice Gaps - Prof Barry Godfrey

Closing justice gaps (REF2021 case study)

Improving the effectiveness of and confidence in Out of Court Disposals – Professor Barry Godfrey.

Reshaping Labour and Trade Union Policy on Workplace Safety Regulation (REF2021 submission) Forklift truck in a warehouse.

Reshaping labour and trade union policy on workplace safety regulation (REF2021 case study)

Professor David Whyte.

Using historical life-course data to shape criminal justice NOT SUBMITTED Black and white image of a building.

Using historical life-course data to shape criminal justice policy and practice

Professor Barry Godfrey.

Digital Panopticon MOVED TO HISTORY Digital Panopticon exhibition

Digital Panopticon

Professor Barry Godfrey.

The Loop Drug Checking Service The Loop team at Parklife festival

The Loop

The UK’s first systematic drug checking service – Professor Fiona Measham.

REF 2021 results Blue background with white text that reads '3rd - Social work and social policy is ranked 3rd in the sector'.

REF 2021 results

View a summary of the REF 2021 results for SSPC.