Research expertise

Topics and areas of research interest have been grouped with relevant sociology, social policy and criminology academics below. Members of staff are happy to hear from prospective PhD students as well as fellow researchers, and to take media enquiries relating to their respective fields of expertise.

Activism, protests, and resistance

Ageing and the life course

Alcohol, drugs, and the night time economy

Critical military studies


Community engagement

Corporate and state harms

Courts and sentencing

Cultural and creative industries

Cultural criminology

Death studies

Digital culture and society


Family sociology

Gender-based violence

Green criminology

Hate crime

Historical criminology

Immigration and asylum


Politics and Government

Prisons and punishment

Race, ethnicity, and post-colonialism

Researching extremism

Science and technology studies

Social policy

Sociology of sporting cultures and physical activity

Social theory

Sociology of architecture

Sociology of health and illness

Sociology of gender

Sociology of religion

The sex industry

Victims and crime

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