Annual conference highlights research excellence within PGR community

The School of Law and Social Justice recently hosted an annual conference for, and organised by, postgraduate researchers across the Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology, and the Liverpool Law School. The conference showcased the dynamic research and innovative thinking of our doctoral students.
The event cultivates a supportive and collaborative environment, which allowed students to develop, refine, and enhance their presentation skills. Participants presented their research to peers and faculty, receiving constructive feedback aimed at improving delivery and content.
Celebrating the diversity and depth of research within the School of Law and Social Justice, the event also highlighted the broad spectrum of research being undertaken within and across the PGR community.
Juan Collado Perez-Llantada, Graduate Teaching Fellow, shared: "This year’s PGR conference offered me not only a good chance to reflect and present my work, but it also allowed me to discover the interesting work of my peers. One of the best parts of the conference is its interdisciplinary element. Colleagues from Sociology and Criminology opened my eyes to new methodological approaches in a variety of fields from legal aid in Ireland, to issues which contraceptive patients experience that are being overlooked and unmentioned in clinical research."
The presentations demonstrated the vibrancy and vitality of the School’s research culture, with innovative insights shared under the themes of: Law/State/Power; Creating and Controlling Competition; The Politics of Method; Regulating Health; Education and Technology; Crime and Punishment; Actors and Institutions in International Law; International Law, Dispute, and Regulation of Force; Gender, Care, and the Body; and Capacity, Autonomy, Consent.
"Overall, the PGR conference was an excellent opportunity to discover, connect, and build the PRG community at the School of Law and Social Justice,” said Juan.
Speaking of their experience, Jaydon Souter, Graduate Teaching Fellow, Liverpool Law School, shared:
“The PGR conference offered me the opportunity to talk about my own ideas and research on the regulation of alcohol brand marketing at the EU-level. The feedback and questions at the end of the presentations are extremely useful to improve my thinking, research delivery, and identify what is – and what is not – working.
Researching for a PhD is unique and difficult, and I am able to meet and learn from other peers who are going through the same PGR journey as I am. I attended many talks outside of my research area as there is always something on which I can reflect and explore in relation to my own research. It was inspiring to see how everyone is shaping social justice in their own way.”
Jaydon Souter delivering a lecture on 'Protecting Public Health: Regulating Alcohol Brand Marketing in the EU'.
Dr Amanda Cahill-Ripley, Co-Director of Post-Graduate Research, said:
“I want to congratulate all the participants on their hard work for this PGR Conference. The presentations that I attended were of such a high standard. I was impressed with the quality of the PGR research, and their presentation skills. The scope of research being undertaken is also striking with many thought provoking and topical issues being discussed. The PhD students are a credit to the School and their contribution to the research community should be recognised and commended.”
For both students and staff, the conference provided a unique opportunity to gain insights into the collective research efforts of the School’s PGR community. Attendees engaged in discussions, shared knowledge, and built connections that transcended disciplinary boundaries.
Lara MacLachlan, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology, shared: "The PGR conference was a great opportunity for us all to come together to discuss and present our research. Every discipline asks different types of questions and addresses these questions in particular ways, interdisciplinary spaces illuminate these assumptions and helps us to see our research from different perspectives. There are many synergies across SSPC and Law in terms of research interests and motivations and the conference offered a space for us to celebrate this."
Speaking of her experience as a first-year PhD student, Anoshay Fazal, Graduate Teaching Fellow, Liverpool Law School, shared:
“As a first-year PhD student, this conference was an immensely engaging and enjoyable experience for me. My own presentation looked at the right to nationality and how it operates through state sovereignty, as a barrier to the universality of human rights and how this creates and sustains conditions of statelessness. I received some interesting questions and suggestions from faculty members on how to better conceptualise my argument regarding the realisation of universal rights in the absence of the realisation of formal legal and political membership (the right to nationality) for stateless communities.
The conference provides PGRs with a platform to present their research in a very conducive learning environment. PGRs are also exposed to various skills and ideas on how to organise, communicate and disseminate research findings. It is also a useful event to network with the PGR community and learn of common challenges that we face as researchers at different stages in our research.”
Anoshay Fazal delivering a lecture on 'Theoretical Understandings - State sovereignty, Universality and Statelessness'.
The annual conference remains a pivotal event, essential in fostering academic excellence and supporting the professional development of our doctoral students. In 2025, the aim is to increase engagement and participation from students and staff across the School of Law and Social Justice, to ensure our PGR community continues to thrive.
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