ESRC Festival of Social Science: ‘Challenging social injustice with Social Science’ – An Exploration with Local Year 10s

This ESRC funded Festival of Social Science event is run by academic from the Department of Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology and offers year 10 pupils from four schools with a high widening participation intake in and around Liverpool a day on our campus. The event will feature short taster lectures, interactive workshops and discussions around the topic ‘Challenging social injustice using social science research methods’.
Social science academics and postgraduate students from the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology will engage with young people in workshop sessions, where they will work with social research evidence including photographs, tables with numeric data, surveys, interview excerpts and newspaper articles. Using creative tools such as collage and mind-mapping, teams of pupils will create posters featuring the social science research topics they worked on. The posters will then be displayed on campus.
Challenging social injustice with social science takes place on Wednesday 7 November 2018 between 10am and 3pm. More event information can be found on the ESRC Festival of Social Science website.