Liverpool launches degree with Singapore Institute of Technology

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The University of Liverpool has launched a degree in Criminology and Security with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

The programme, which is now open for applications, is the first undergraduate degree in Criminology to be offered in Singapore. The launch is the result of a partnership between SIT, Singapore’s Home Affairs Ministry and the University of Liverpool, and is expected to attract more than 40 students for the first intake in September.

It is open to all suitably qualified candidates in Singapore, but the initial applicants are expected to be mainly individuals sponsored by the Ministry of Home Affairs such as police and prison officers and security officials.

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The move will expand opportunities for higher education to Singapore’s polytechnic graduates with a strong focus on diploma holders.

Commenting on the partnership, Professor Fiona Beveridge from the University of Liverpool’s School of Law and Social Justice, said: "We have a long history of providing education in sociology and social policy, and have offered criminology as part of these degree programmes for many years. We now have a full degree programme in criminology and are at the forefront of criminology research. The opportunity to work so closely with key partners will make a marked difference in the quality of professionals in the sector. We’re delighted to be involved."

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The course will be led by three full-time professors, a number which will increase as the programme develops in subsequent years. Students will be able to access research-led teaching by experts in their field as part of small student-centred teaching groups.

As part of the three-year degree programme students will complete modules in security and criminology including criminology theory and research and security and risk management. Some of the modules will be customised and contextualised to meet the needs of the safety and security industry in Singapore.

To find out more, visit the website.
