
The Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology welcome applications from talented students from all backgrounds and are committed to Widening Participation (WP) in higher education by encouraging people from non-traditional backgrounds to apply to study with us. We also run a programme of outreach activities by offering a series of taster days and specific talks for schools and colleges throughout the year.

Our widening participation strategy reflects our ‘social justice’ ethos and is a core part of our identity. We believe that higher education plays an important role in advancing social mobility and equalising opportunities.

Our staff and students work closely with the University of Liverpool’s Widening Participation and Outreach team in running summer schools, visit days and outreach activities for prospective applicants from low-participation backgrounds.

Taster Days

Our Taster Days are designed for Year 10, 11 and 12 pupils. Taster Days offer an exciting introduction to university life and the study of sociology and criminology and how it applies to a choice of careers.

If you wish to book a Taster Day please contact our Recruitment Team.

I enjoyed the seminar because it gave a chance to get everybody’s point across and hear different opinions on the case.

Year 10 Taster Day student

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