Woman and Non-binary Doctoral Researchers (WoNDRS) in STEM

The Conference for Women and Non-binary Doctoral Researchers in STEM (WoNDRS) will be held at the University of Liverpool on Monday 8th of July and aims to foster a sense of community among PhD students; the proposed programme combines a mix of both industry and academic talks followed by a discussion panel. There will be a focus on outstanding work across all STEM subjects, encouraging students to engage in networking and allowing space for women and other gender minorities to be celebrated for their achievements.

The agenda begins at 10am and concludes at 4.30pm when we will move to the Oliver Lodge Laboratory (OLL) for a networking event, drinks will be provided. Lunch will also be available along with tea and coffee but please bring your own water bottle to make use of the refill stations around the facilities.

For any accessibility requirements; questions regarding our diversity, data protection, or sustainability practices; or general concerns, please see our additional information page or contact us.

Registration open now until 5pm 31st of May 2024