Current research examples using the Zeiss Xradia Versa 620

The Zeiss Xradia Versa 620 is predominantly used for research from the fields of manufacture, energy, and healthcare. Below are highlighted examples of current research that has been carried out with help of the instrument.

Research: Particle analysis Glassbeads coloured by size

Particle size analysis

Micro X-ray CT is an excellent method for measurement of bulk particles, such as metal powders used for additive manufacturing, sand, or other separate particles. Each individual particle can be visualised and size, shape, porosity and postion measured in 3D.

Research: Trabecular mesh 3D rendering of decellurarized a trabecular mesh smaple from the eye, showing the fibrous structure.

Decellularised Human Trabecular Meshwork

Micro X-ray computed tomography enabled a novel 3D reconstruction of decellularised human TM and observation of the porous tissue’s intricate architectur

Research: Sediment core 3D rendering of a sedimentary core sample, coloured by size or the particles

Sedimentary core analysis

Use of Micro X-ray CT to obtain both grain size and grain shape measurements in 3D to understand the grain size distribution of a sediment.

Research: Microneedle Array An array of nine cone-shaped microneedles

Dissolvable Microneedle Array Patches

Dissolvable microneedle array patches (DMAPs) combine characteristic advantages of injected therapeutics, such as efficient dosing, whilst retaining a minimally invasive application similar to topical administration (TA) due to the sub-micron size of the needles.

Research: Porosity pre- and post ignition X-ray CT slice of a sandstone, showing quartz grains and pores.

Porosity analysis pre- and post ignition

Viewing of the same rock sample before and after experimental ignition to observe microscale changes in structure

Research: Gelatin Scaffolds An image of a freeze-dried gelatin scaffold, showing the porous foam-like structure.

Analysis of 3D printed gelatin scaffolds

Micro X-ray CT imaging can be used to investigate pore size, wall thickness, and connectivity of porous structures, such as 3D printed gelatin scaffolds for dental applications.

Research: binder saturation analysis for metal 3D printing Three images showing increased binder ink infiltration into powder bed

Binder saturation analysis for metal 3D printing

Powder/binder interaction in binder-jet printing affects the overall strength of the finished part. Micro X-ray CT enables to observation of binder deposition and saturation within metal powder

Research: Analysis of Binder Jet Printed Parts X-ray CT data showing smaller and larger metal particles in a binder-jet printed sample.

Analysis of in-layer density variations and particle size segregation in binder jet printed parts

Binder jet printing cements loose particles into manufactured parts. Micro-X-ray-CT can be used to investigate in-layer density changes and particle size segregation