XCT Publications Zeiss Versa 620 SRF

Publications and conference contributions with data from the Zeiss Xradia Versa 620 SRF.



Micro-X-ray-CT for analysis of particle size segregation during powder spreading in Binder Jet Printing

Behnsen, J. G., Roberts, J. W., Rogan, O. J., McArdle, J. M., & Black, K. (2025). Micro-X-ray-CT for analysis of particle size segregation during powder spreading in Binder Jet Printing. Additive Manufacturing Letters, 100266.



3D printable gelatin/nisin biomaterial inks for antimicrobial tissue engineering applications.

Dallos Ortega, M., Aveyard, J., Ciupa, A., Poole, R. J., Whetnall, D., Behnsen, J. G., & D'Sa, R. A. (2024). 3D printable gelatin/nisin biomaterial inks for antimicrobial tissue engineering applications.. Materials advances, 5(19), 7729-7746.


Brecciation at the grain scale within the lithologies of the Winchcombe Mighei‐like carbonaceous chondrite

Daly, L., Suttle, M. D., Lee, M. R., Bridges, J., Hicks, L., Martin, P. M. C., . . . Black, K. (2024). Brecciation at the grain scale within the lithologies of the Winchcombe Mighei‐like carbonaceous chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science.

DOI: 10.1111/maps.14164

Particle size analysis: A comparison of laboratory-based techniques and their application to geoscience

Houghton, J. E., Behnsen, J., Duller, R. A., Nichols, T. E., & Worden, R. H. (2024). Particle size analysis: A comparison of laboratory-based techniques and their application to geoscience. Sedimentary Geology, 106607.

DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2024.106607


Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., Behnsen, J. G., D’Sa, R. A. and Bosworth, L. A. (2023). Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14 (10). p. 490.

Karimi, A., Crouch, D. J., Razaghi, R., Downs, J. C., Acott, T. S., Kelley, M. J., Behnsen, J. G., Bosworth, L. A., Sheridan, C. M. (2023). Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 107485.

Behnsen, J. G., Black, K., Houghton, J. E., & Worden, R. H. (2023). A Review of Particle Size Analysis with X-ray CT. MATERIALS, 16(3).

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., Behnsen, J. G., & Bosworth, L. A. (2022). An Optimized Method to Decellularize Human Trabecular Meshwork. BIOENGINEERING-BASEL, 9(5).

DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering9050194

Conference contributions


Croft, E. "Ocular Drug Delivery: Dissolving Microneedle Array Patches for Sustained Release in the Treatment of Glaucoma". European Controlled Release Society Annual Conference 2024, Bologna, Italy, 8-12th July 2024

Ollerton, K., McDonald, T., Rannard, S., Cauldbeck, H. "Generation and evaluation of docetaxel solid drug nanoparticles for transdermal drug delivery". Controlled Release Society annual Meeting and Expo, Bologna, Italy, July 8-12th 2024

Bosworth, L.A., "Fabricating fibre scaffolds to mimic ECM architecture". Biomaterials Translation Workshop 2024, University of Manchester. June 2024

Crouch, D.J., Sheridan, C.M., D’Sa, R.A., Bosworth, L.A.: "Recapitulating the human trabecular meshwork using electrospinning". 5th Biomaterials Translation Workshop, Manchester, UK. June 2023

Dallos Ortega M., Aveyard, J., D’ Sa, R. "3D printing of drug loaded constructs for antibacterial and analgestic dental applications". United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2024, 10-12th June 2024.

Morris, S., Croft, E., Owen, A, Rannard, S., Cauldbeck, H. "Dissolving microarray patches for malaria prophylaxis: Atovaquone solid drug nanoparticle distribution and ex vivo/in vivo release". United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2024, Liverpool, UK, 10-12th June 2024

Ollerton, K., McDonald, T., Rannard, S., Cauldbeck, H. "Generation and evaluation of docetaxel solid drug nanoparticles for transdermal drug delivery". United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2024, 10th – 12th June 2024.

Michie, E.: "Can we ever predict how fluids may flow within and surrounding faults in carbonates?", EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-390, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-390, 2024.


Boyle, A.P., Kolb, J., Walter, B.F., Worden, R.H., Behnsen, J., Bonson, C., Nicholson, M., "Remobilisation of refractory gold during ductile-brittle deformation of a West African Craton hosted orogenic gold deposit". Abstract ID 1248793, AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco. 11-15 December 2023

Sidambe, A., Black, K., & Fox, P. Laser powder bed fusion of refractory metals. RAPDASA-RobMech-PRASA-CoSAAMI Conference. Pretoria, South Africa. October 30th-November 2nd 2023

Houghton, J. "From 2D to 3D: quantifying clay grain coat coverage in deeply buried sandstones". International association of sedimentologists, Aberdeen, UK, 25-27th July 2023

Houghton, J. "Understanding the origin and distribution of reservoir quality enhancing clay grain coats in the modern, macro-tidal estuary using optimised machine learning". International association of sedimentologists, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 12-16th June 2023

Hougthon, J. “Clay grain coat identification and quantification using Microfocus X-Ray Computed Tomography (MXCT) – A case study from a deeply buried sandstone, Norwegian North Sea”. Energy Geoscience Conference. Aberdeen, UK, May 2023.

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., D’Sa, R., Bosworth, L. A. “Developing Hierarchical Biomimetic Scaffolds of Human Trabecular Meshwork”. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) American Chapter. Boston, USA, Apr. 2023.

Crouch, D. J., “Developing Hierarchical Biomimetic Scaffolds of Human Trabecular Meshwork”. STEM for Britain. London, England, Mar. 2023. (Gold Medal Winner Biological and Biomediacal Sciences.)

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., D’Sa, R., Bosworth, L. A. “Developing Hierarchical Biomimetic Scaffolds of Human Trabecular Meshwork”. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) European Chapter. Manchester, UK, Mar. 2023.

Barnes, J., Li, M., Behnsen, J., Henstock, J., D’Sa, R., Williams, R., Curran, J. “Degradable, Implantable, Antimicrobial and Osteoinductive ‘BoneWraps’”. 17th RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Annual Meeting. Sheffield Hallam University, UK, Jan. 2023.


Barnes, J., Li, M., Behnsen, J., Henstock, J., D’Sa, R., Williams, R., Curran, J. “Degradable, Implantable, Antimicrobial and Osteoinductive ‘BoneWraps’”. Mercia Stem Cell Alliance 10th Annual Scientific Meeting. University of York, UK, Dec. 2022.

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., D’Sa, R., Bosworth, L. A. “Developing Hierarchical Biomimetic Scaffolds of Human Trabecular Meshwork”. Electrospin 7th Annual Meet. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 2022.

Croft, E., Romano, V., Rannard, S., Cauldbeck, H. "Dissolving Microneedle Arrays: The Effects of Drug Incorporation on Physiochemical Properties". The European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), Bordeaux, France, 4-8th September 2022

Croft, E., Romano, V., Rannard, S., Cauldbeck, H. "The Effects of Latanoprost Loading on the Physiochemical Properties of Dissolvable Microneedle Array Patches".
United Kingdom Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference 2022, Sheffield, UK, 27 - 28th June 2022.

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., D’Sa, R., Bosworth, L. A. “High Resolution 3D Imaging Reveals Architectural Changes in Human Glaucomatous Trabecular Meshwork”. Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) and Centre of Doctoral Teaching (CDT) Joint Conference. Sheffield, UK, June 2022.

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., D’Sa, R., Bosworth, L. A. “Using Decellularised Human Trabecular Meshwork as a Blueprint for Fabricating Biomimetic Electrospun Scaffolds”. In: United Kingdom Society of Biomaterials UKSB. Sheffield, UK, June 2022.

Barnes, J., Li, M., Behnsen, J., Henstock, J., D’Sa, R., Williams, R., Curran, J. “μCT Characterisation of a Dual Antimicrobial-Osteoinductive ’Bone Wrap’ Using a Novel Ex-Vivo Foetal Chick Femur Defect Model”. UK Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference. University of Sheffield, UK, June 2022. (Abstract.)

Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., Bosworth, L. A. “Using Micro-Computed Tomography to Visualise Decellularised Human Trabecular Meshwork in 3D”. International Society for Eye Research (ISER) / BrightFocus Glaucoma Symposium. Atlanta, USA, May 2022.

Hougthon, J. “A non-destructive 3D Micro-focused X-ray Tomography (MXCT) method of obtaining particle size distributions”. Quartenary Research Association - Annual Discussion Meeting. London, UK, Jan. 2022.


Crouch, D. J., Sheridan, C. M., Bosworth, L. A. “Decellularisation of the Trabecular Meshwork”. Annual Ophthalmology Mapstone Meet. Liverpool, UK, Dec. 2021.


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