Latest research: Use of cefovecin in a UK population of cats

Use of cefovecin in a UK population of cats attending first-opinion practices as recorded in electronic health records.
In a collaboration between the University of Bristol and SAVSNET, researchers have described the use of cefovecin (Convenia; Zoetis UK) a third-generation long-acting injectable antimicrobial, in a UK population of cats attending first-opinion practices, and to compare the use of Convenia with the licensed uses described on the UK Convenia datasheet.
- The most common body system treated was skin in 553 (48.2%) entries, then urinary (n = 157; 13.7%) and respiratory (n = 112; 9.8%).
- Microbiological evaluation was recorded in 193 (16.8%) entries, with visible purulent material most commonly cited (in 147 [12.8%] entries).
- A reason for prescribing Convenia over alternative antimicrobials was given in 138 (12.0%) entries; the most cited was an inability to orally medicate the cat in 77 (55.8%) of these entries.
- Most entries did not describe any microbiological evaluation, or a reason for prescribing Convenia over alternative antimicrobials.
- Information relevant to decision-making should be recorded in individual animal health records.
This paper is published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery available here.