Paper published: Do socioeconomic factors impact management of suspected canine multicentric lymphoma in UK first opinion practice?

The latest paper using SAVSNET data has been published in the Veterinary Record. This work was lead by Dr Kostas Rigas and explores the impact of socioeconomic factors on the management of dogs with suspected multicentric lymphoma.
- This study aimed to describe the management of cases of suspected and confirmed canine multicentric lymphoma (ML) in first opinion practice (FOP) and investigate whether socioeconomic factors are associated with initial management.
- Clinical narratives from electronic health records collected by the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) were searched to identify dogs with peripheral lymphadenomegaly in which ML was the major differential. Cases were grouped as either ML confirmed (ML-C) or ML suspected but not confirmed (ML-S). Associations between initial management and socioeconomic factors were assessed via multivariable logistic regression.
- Two hundred and sixty-four cases with ML-C and 410 with ML-S were identified. There was an increased probability that owners of ML-C cases resided in less deprived areas. Moreover, a diagnosis was made more commonly in insured dogs. Only insured pets were more likely to be treated with chemotherapy following diagnosis. The majority of dogs in both groups were treated with corticosteroids alone (ML-S, n = 256/410; ML-C, n = 123/264). A small minority were referred (n = 30/674).
- Socioeconomic inequalities appear to be associated with the diagnosis and management of dogs with suspected or confirmed ML in FOP. Most dogs with suspected multicentric lymphoma (in the UK) are managed in FOP (n = 644/674). Consequently, expanding the knowledge base relevant to this setting offers an opportunity to improve the management of canine lymphoma.
Read the paper here
See the infographic summarising this work here