Latest research: Use of vaccines and factors associated with their uptake variability in dogs, cats and rabbits attending a large sentinel network of veterinary

Our latest paper entitled 'Use of vaccines and factors associated with their uptake variability in dogs, cats and rabbits attending a large sentinel network of veterinary practices across Great Britain' has been published in Epidemiology and Infection. The paper is available as open access.
- Over 20% of pets had no recorded vaccination.
- Both cats, but especially rabbits, were less likely to have recorded vaccines than dogs.
- In those animals recieving vaccines, cats recieved more core vaccines (FCV, FHV and FPV) than dogs (CDV, CAV, CPV).
- Feline leukaemia vaccine was used almost as often as core vaccines in cats.
Read the full paper here.
Read the summary infographic for this work here