Anaesthesia Service
The Anaesthesia Team is dedicated to the provision of optimal sedation, anaesthesia and analgesia (pain relief) for animals requiring these services at the hospital. This includes patients undergoing medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures in conjunction with the relevant service departments. The team provides expert assessment of patients and tailored care so that our patients remain as pain-free as possible at all times and risk of anaesthetic complications is minimised.
Patients undergoing sedation or anaesthesia have a dedicated vet or nurse assigned to them and are appropriately monitored, so that any problems are picked up and dealt with instantly. For patients having anesthesia and surgery, this care extends well into the recovery period, with the team playing a central role in the ongoing support of the patient in terms of pain relief and supportive care. The team also assists the intensive care unit to support the staff working with critical patients and runs the hospital's pain management clinic.