
The OpenCOSSAN Engine OpenCossan logo


The OpenCOSSAN Engine is an invaluable tool for uncertainty quantification and management. It represents the core of COSSAN software. All the algorithms and methods have been coded in a matlab toolbox allowing numerical analysis, reliability analysis, simulation, sensitivity, optimization, robust design and much more. Released under the LGPL license, the engine can be used, modified and redistributed free of charge. It is supported by an extensive documentation and tutorials.


OpenCOSSAN can only be used via Matlab command line interface. This interaction method is especially offered to provide a high-level programming environment for advanced users.

OpenCossan Apps

Using the command line interface, users and researchers can modify pre-written solution sequences, explore data, implement new algorithms, and more. This offers the abilility to simply create custom tools, which enable the solution of specialised problems.

If you are looking for a more user friendly and intuitive interface that does not require Malab  you should consider using COSSAN-X.

Shared development

The OpenCOSSAN Engine is developed by a large number of researchers from all over the world. You can download the engine, check the code, implement new features and propose patches and modifications. We really value your feedback!