Knowledge Exchange
Knowledge Exchange is part of the University’s ambitious strategy, which defines how the University will be successful within a challenging and changing higher education environment. You will hear the term Knowledge Exchange a lot during your career, but what does it mean? Essentially, it means enabling research and academic challenge to make a difference in the real world, to work with external organisations and communities, and to get maximum value from research.
The University has a comprehensive guide at Knowledge Exchange Intranet (accessible only to staff). This site hosts a wealth of information on knowledge exchange, including sections such as What is KE?, KE Funding & Opportunities and Impact. The KE intranet is the first port of call for all academics seeking to engage in knowledge exchange.
See also the sections on Networking and Social Media for resources on using social media in knowledge exchange.
External Resources
Vitae - Provides helpful sections on Public Engagement and Presenting Your Research, collaborating with business.
Also available are the Engaging Researcher videos, podcast and booklet.
British Interactive Group (STEM Communications Network) - A skills sharing network for individuals involved in the communication of STEM, who run regular events and training courses.
British Science Association - Coordinates, delivers and oversees a number of projects and programmes aimed at engaging more people with science.
Concordat for Engaging the Public in Research - Access the Concordat document and UKRI guidance on Embedding Public Engagement.
International Association for Public Engagement - Work to promote and improve the practice of public participation.
Involve - A public participation charity which provides support for organisations that are seeking to engage people.
JISC Digital Media - Useful resources and guides on Open Access and more.
LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog - Some fantastic resources, such as sections on Twitter and Podcasting.
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) - A useful site which describes what public engagement is and why it matters, along with a number of useful resources for Researchers, including tools to enable Researchers to get involved in Public Engagement and Easy Ways to Get Started.
Participation Compass - This tool provides practical information for those working to involve people. By registering you can add methods, cases, library resources, news and experts to their database.
Research Councils - All Research Councils provide specific resources relating to research impact and knowledge exchange.
Wellcome Trust - A useful section for Researchers on engaging the public in research, along with a helpful guide to Working with the Media.