We have a variety of wellbeing activities available for you to enjoy at the Research Staff Conference and beyond.

Wooden Brainteasers

Enjoy our brainteaser activities at the Research Staff Conference and relax your mind. 

The activities will be placed into the wellbeing space at the conference in the Researcher Development Studio (Room 316), 126 Mount Pleasant.

Self-guided Walking Tour

Download this Research Staff Association self-guided walking tour of Abercrombie Square, including to the history of the square and the people that lived there.

Download by clicking here

Affirmation Board

The Affirmation board will be placed into the wellbeing space at the conference in the Researcher Development Studio (Room 316), 126 Mount Pleasant.

On this affirmation board you are encouraged to leave a positive or motivational message to your fellow researchers. You can also be creative and draw something if you would prefer. A fun instructional video for how anyone can draw is available below.

Drawing as a Creative Outlet

How to draw (TEDx Talk) 

Description: The presenter teaches a sequence of simple pen strokes that will enable anyone to draw and enjoy a creative outlet. 

Stop Overthinking

How to silence negative thoughts (TEDx Talk)

Description: The presenter first shares some personal stories about the never-ending negative voice in his head that would not shut up, despite medication or narcotics. Eventually, however, the presenter learned a very simple mantra that would silence these thoughts and can help anyone to get out of their own head.

How to Stop Overthinking - Samurai Story

Description: This narrated story follows the tale of a samurai student in ancient Japan, who is very talented but more than anything, stands in his own way. He is referred to a wise master who helps him overcome his greatest obstacle: himself.

Self-led Wellbeing Activities

These wellbeing activities are available from the Wellbeing Oasis from the National Postdoc Conference 2021.

Discover self-led resources

Active Wellbeing (AW) activities

The following Active Wellbeing (AW) activities took place during the NPDC21 on 24 September 2021:

Please note

The content and options provided for the wellbeing sessions are designed to provide a relaxing experience. However, if at any point you feel unsettled or uncomfortable, please remember that you can end the session at any time.

You can find information on mental health support at https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/getting-help.