Prosper. Unlocking postdoc career potential

Based in the Academy, Prosper is a new approach to career development that unlocks postdocs’ potential to thrive in multiple career pathways.

Our ultimate goal is to open up the huge talent pool that exists within the postdoctoral research community, to the benefit of postdocs themselves, managers of researchers and principal investigators, employers and the wider UK economy. 

Learn more about Prosper's model and its impact via our published paper: Prosper - A New Model for Postdoc Career Development

Prosper is led by the University of Liverpool. During 2018 and 2023 it was funded by the Research England RED fund, with the University of Manchester and Lancaster University as partners.

From 2023, Prosper secured follow-up funding from UKRI to accelerate the rollout of Prosper across the sector.


More about Prosper

More about Prosper

Read about the background of Prosper.

University of Liverpool Prosper cohort

University of Liverpool Prosper cohort

Learn more about the Prosper cohort and how to apply

Prosper Portal

Prosper Portal

The Prosper portal is now freely available to all.

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators

Recognising the key role that Principal Investigators play in postdocs’ career development.

Employer Partners

Employer partners

We're working directly with employers to expose postdocs to a broad range of opportunities.

Meet the team

Meet the team

More about the Prosper team.