A warm welcome to the Wellbeing Oasis!
We all need to take breaks to recharge. We recognise that it is good to take screen-free respites, such as going for a walk or exercising, but that also sometimes it is not easy to step away from your device.
The good news is that tech-based breaks can give you some of the same benefits as the offscreen variety, especially if you’re able to include some combination of physical movement, social interaction, and brain stimulation.
Self-led wellbeing activities
Each wellbeing section on the conference programme offers a choice of following self-directed resources yourself or joining a 10 minute Active Wellbeing session which you will be asked to register for.
Discover self-led resources
- Ambience
- Connecting with nature
- Exercise
- Jigsaws and colouring
- Mindfulness and meditation
- Music
- Singing
- Yoga
Active Wellbeing (AW) activities
The following Active Wellbeing (AW) activities took place during the NPDC21 on 24 September 2021:
- AW1 - Begin with the End in Mind (09:15-09:25)
- AW2 - 7/11 Breathing (10:45-10:55)
- AW3 - Out of your head – Into your body (12:00-12:10)
- AW4 - Visualising Your Future (15:00-15:10)
Please note
The content and options provided for the wellbeing sessions are designed to provide a relaxing experience. However, if at any point you feel unsettled or uncomfortable, please remember that you can end the session at any time.
You can find information on mental health support at https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/getting-help.
Did you know?...The clock faces on the iconic Liver Building are the largest in the country measuring 25 feet in diameter – Big Ben is only 23 feet!

Liverpool Cathedral
Liverpool Cathedral was built between 1908 – 1978 on St. James Mount and is the seat of the Bishop of Liverpool. It is the largest cathedral in Britain, 5th largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world!
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