Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Subject areas can evolve their own specialised vocabularies and acronyms – and we know that participants come from different sectors and countries and may have different understandings of certain terms. We’re delighted to be joined by a diverse audience, but request that everyone is mindful when using UK-specific terms, acronyms or examples. Here you will find terms and acronyms that may be used during sessions - created with credit to Erika Loggin, Policy & Advocacy Graduate at the Wellcome Trust. Erika can be contacted via Twitter at @ErikaLoggin


Below are the defintion of some terms that the Wellcome Trust has been using throughout their Reimagine Research work. We want to stress that the definitions provided below are just a starting point for discussion, not a way of curbing discussion if speakers had different views. As such, we are happy to be challenged on these working definitions during discussions.

Research culture 

This continues to mean different things to different people, but we’ve taken a broad view that it encompasses the policies, incentives and assessment processes, leadership approaches, behaviours or other factors that shape people's day-to-day working environment. 

Research community

Our working definition has been “anyone who makes research happen”, which includes (but is not limited to) those in technical, professional services or research roles, as well as those working in funders, learned societies, and industry.

Inclusive leadership

While there’s no single definition, common attributes and actions include: constant reflection about how decisions are made and communicated; ensuring that everyone involved in a research project is treated equitably and has a say in its management; and making sure everyone feels that their contribution is valued.

Team science or Collaborative Research

This is “any team-based research involving two or more research groups (even if they are all within the same institution) that aims to result in an academic publication or other research output” (from the Academy of Medical Sciences Team Science project).
Note: Collaborative research is a more inclusive term to encompass the Humanities and Social Science disciplines.

A selection of acronyms 

BEIS: UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 
D&I: Diversity and Inclusion
EDI: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
EDIS: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health
NPDC: National Postdoc Conference
NPAW: National Postdoc Appreciation Week
N8: The eight most research-intensive universities in Northern England
REF: Research Excellence Framework
RSA: University of Liverpool Research Staff Association
UCU: University and College Union
UKRI: UK Research and Innovation
UKRIO: UK Research Integrity Office
UKRSA: UK Research Staff Association
UUK: Universities UK

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