How can researchers influence policy?
Catherine Durose, Professor of Public Policy and Co-Director of the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, discusses how researchers can influence policy.

Why commercialise your research? Pros and cons of research commercialisation
Michal Filus, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Manager within the Enterprise team, considers the reasons for and against commercialising your research.
Narrative CVs: telling your story
Hannah Dutton, Research Development Facilitator, in the central Research and Partnerships team, reveals the rise of narrative CVs and their pros and cons.
Navigating Impact: A Researcher's Guide to Metrics and Profiles
Mareike Wehner, Research Publications Metrics Officer within the Libraries, Museums and Galleries, navigates the world of research metrics and profiles.

Policy briefings: How to create a briefing to engage with a policy audience
Dr Tom Arnold, Research Associate at the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place and editor of the Heseltine Institute’s policy briefings, shares the benefits of policy briefings for researchers and policymakers.

Spinning out your research
Michal Filus, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Manager within the Enterprise team, writes about the process of spinning out your research.

Just Ask: How to build your industry network
Hazel Kennedy, External Engagement Manager at the University of Liverpool Management School, discusses how to build your industry network.

Embracing Inclusive Collaboration for Research Excellence
Alys Kay, Senior Researcher Developer (Leadership) for Thrive and Career Coach, explores the power of inclusive collaboration in research.

Five things to know about narrative CVs
Dr Elizabeth Adams, Career and Leadership Coach, reveals the five key things you need to know about narrative CVs.

Consultancy: knowledge exchange that helps create impact and raise profiles
Dr Susan Kenny, Senior Consultancy Manager, discusses how consultancy is an important form of knowledge exchange.

Picture your career
Dr Elizabeth Adams, Career and Leadership Coach, talks about the career-impacting power of creative collaging.

Data Visualisation: engaging others with your research
Dr. Mhairi Towler, Founder and Director of the animation production company, Vivomotion, writes about how researchers can visualise their findings for any audience.

What’s stopping your career decision making?
Dr Elizabeth Adams, Career and Leadership Coach, discusses the barriers to career decision making.

Becoming a research entrepreneur
Michal Filus, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Manager within the Enterprise team, shares the journey to become a research business founder.

Animating your research: producing impactful social media content
Dr. Mhairi Towler, Founder and Director of the animation production company, Vivomotion, discusses developing a visual narrative about your research using animation.

Embedding EDI in Impact and Research Design
Cat Tully, Impact Evidence Coordinator for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, discusses how the Faculty Impact Team are supporting researchers to embed meaningful EDI consideration into planning for research and impact.

How can my research contribute to sustainable innovation?
Natacha Wilson, founder and director of Cambridge Insights, discusses how you can link your research to sustainable innovation and the 3 strategies that will help you get started.