Do you want to work with research collaborators and partners outside of Higher Education e.g. Industry, policy makers, cultural partners or charities?
This interactive session will provide an overview of pathways to partnerships (e.g. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and Consultancy,) access to industry engagement events and presentations from pump-priming funding managers who support schemes such as the Harmonised Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAA) and the launch of the Partnership Innovation Fund 2024 (PIF.)
The University has developed an online toolkit containing practical, simple to understand, and proven to work guidance, tools, training and frameworks that you’ll need to grow your activity and make real-world impact. You’ll get to test-out the toolkit for yourself and meet University professional service staff and other academic ‘champions’ who have successfully collaborated with non-HEI partners.
After the session you’ll be invited to network with colleagues over coffee and cake!
- Hannah Schumann, Research Partnerships Marketing Manager
- Nick Doran, Senior Partnerships & Innovation Manager
- Chris Taylor, IAA Manager
- Various Knowledge Exchange Professional Service Staff and Academic colleagues
Linked sessions
- Grant writing workshop with Innovate UK Business Growth
- Understanding challenges and barriers to industry academic partnerships
- Effective kick off conversations (scoping) with project partners
- Best practice negotiation with project partners
Aimed at
- Academic
- Teaching and Research Staff
- Clinical Research Staff
- Early Career Researchers (e.g., postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, early career research fellows)
- Established Researchers (e.g., research group leaders, principal investigators, senior research fellows)
- Postgraduate researchers
- Research Technical Professionals
- Research-related Professional Services Staff
Knowledge and skill axis
- IP and commercialisation
- Local growth and regeneration
- Personal and professional research impact skills
- Public and community engagement
- Research partnerships
- Skills
- enterprise and entrepreneurship
- Working with business
- Working with the public and third sector
Innovation Theme(s)
- Future economy
- Global opportunities
- Growth at scale
- Innovation ecosystem
RDF Domain(s)
- C: Research governance and organisation
- D: Engagement, influence and impact