We will cover networking strategies, en-gagement methods and how to “pitch” your-self and/or your ideas. Participants will be introduced to various techniques that they can use in a variety of situations with a range of different audiences. How can we turn con-versations to our advantage? How do we ap-proach and engage with senior academics? When and how should we follow up with peo-ple?
Each individual will be encouraged create a per-sonal networking strategy that they can use af-ter the workshop and build on in future. The workshop will comprise a mixture of group work, class discussion and individual exercises. This workshop is ideal for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who are looking to en-gage with people beyond the bench or the of-fice, to set up collaborations, engage with indus-try and enhance their career prospects.
Facilitators: Dr Joanna Young, Director of Electv, a training company specialising in workshops for researchers.