Policy 101: how policy is made and how to influence it

Monday, 13 May, 2024 - 2:00 PM

Format: In-Person Workshop (90 minutes) - UoL & Sumy State University

Gain insights in how research and evidence is used in policy-making and generating influence and impact from your research.

This session opens up the ‘black box’ of policy-making to set out: what policy-makers are looking for, how research and evidence is used, and how you can identify and develop opportunities for policy influence from your own research.

This session will draw upon the Heseltine Institute’s public policy expertise and experience at generating policy impact, in order to give critical and practice insights in how to generate impact. This session is part of a programme of policy impact training provided by the Heseltine Institute commissioned through the University’s ESRC Impact Accelerator Account.

Facilitators: Catherine Durose (she/her), Professor of Public Policy and Co-Director of the Heseltine Institute of Public Policy, Practice and Place (HI)



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