Hear from the press team and academics from HLS and HSS about:
-how the media works
- the different ways you can engage with the media
- what makes a good news story
- first-hand experiences of promoting their research in the press
-top tips for a good media interview
- Cat Owen (she/her) and Alison Cornmell (she/her), Media Relations Managers in the University Press Office.
- Dr Uazman Alam (he/him), Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant Physician
- Dr Uazman Alam is a Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology at the University of Liverpool and Liverpool University NHS Foundation Trust. With more than 20 years’ experience he has a specialist clinical and research interest in painful diabetic neuropathy, small fibre neuropathy and neuropathic pain. Current projects include a cross faculty project to develop an early test for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) using AI
Linked sessions
- Using Artificial Intelligence in your Media Engagement
- Making Social Media work for you
- What’s the headline?: Bringing research to life through powerful storytelling
- Animating your research: producing impactful social media content