This masterclass will introduce you to the key words, their definitions and why they matter when working with a commercial organisation. With lots of online chat and a Q&A at the end, be prepared to consider how to usefully apply this knowledge in the context of your career strategy.
Facilitator: Caroline Broad (she/her)
Caroline gained her twenty years’ experience facilitating teams and delivering skills training whilst working in academia, bioscience, educational charity and hi-tech sectors. Caroline started her 'entrepreneurial adventure' in 2011 as Broad Associates Ltd delivering interactive workshops that develop communication and collaboration skills. Caroline also works with businesses providing process improvement and knowledge management consultancy.
Linked sessions
- What intellectual property do I have and how can I commercialise it?
- How to identify and approach potential clients
- Communication Skills for Career Success
- Facility Tour: Materials Innovation Factory
Aimed at
- Post-doctoral researcher
- Early career researcher
- Academic teaching and research staff
- Mid-career researcher
- Research-related professional services staff
- Clinical research staff
- Postgraduate researcher
- Research technical professional
Knowledge and skill axis
- Working with business
- Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
- IP and commercialisation
- Personal and professional research impact skills
Innovation Theme(s)
- Future economy
- Growth at scale
- Innovation ecosystem
RDF Domain(s)
- B: Personal effectiveness
- C: Research governance and organisation
- D: Engagement, influence and impact