Mastering Research Collaboration: Working together to get the best out of everyone

Friday, 10 June, 2022 - 10:00 AM

Format: Masterclass (90 minutes)

Learn about collaboration and why it’s an essential part of how researchers get work done today. Cover the fundamentals of forming and leading a collaboration including online collaboration and how to effectively collaborate with multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-institution, or sector teams. Find out what you need to create and support a thriving culture of collaboration.

Linked sessions

Aimed at

  • Post-doctoral researcher
  • Early career researcher
  • Academic teaching and research staff
  • Mid-career researcher
  • Principal investigator/manager of researchers/PGR supervisor
  • Research-related professional services staff
  • Clinical research staff

Knowledge and skill axis

  • Research partnerships
  • Working with business
  • Working with the public and third sector
  • Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
  • Public and community engagement

Innovation Theme(s)

  • Future economy

RDF Domain(s)