Keynote: Knowledge exchange - a funders perspective

Tuesday, 24 May, 2022 - 2:00 PM

Format: Keynote (1 hour) HyFlex - simultaneously online and face-to-face

This Keynote session will update on the latest state of play in terms of Government priorities and spending review decisions and funding allocations. Alice Frost will review the last years of KE policy and funding developments, including the impact of COVID 19, HEIF, the initiation of the Knowledge Exchange Framework and the Knowledge Exchange Concordat and the increased focus on commercialisation. As well as setting out Research England’s current intentions and plans for a fundamental review of its KE funding and policy approaches.

Linked sessions

Aimed at

  • Post-doctoral researcher
  • Early career researcher
  • Academic teaching and research staff
  • Mid-career researcher
  • Principal investigator/manager of researchers/PGR supervisor
  • Research-related professional services staff
  • Clinical research staff

Knowledge and skill axis

  • Research partnerships
  • Working with business
  • Working with the public and third sector
  • Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
  • Local growth and regeneration
  • IP and commercialisation
  • Public and community engagement
  • Personal and professional research impact skills

Innovation Theme(s)

  • Future economy
  • Growth at scale
  • Global opportunities
  • Innovation ecosystem
  • Government levers

RDF Domain(s)