Engaging with policy makers

Wednesday, 1 June, 2022 - 2:30 PM

Format: Podcast (45 minutes) pre-recorded

In this podcast we chat with Sabina Frediani, James Coe and Tom Arnold about how, as colleagues working in HE, we can engage with policy makers.

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Aimed at

  • Post-doctoral researcher
  • Early career researcher
  • Academic teaching and research staff
  • Mid-career researcher
  • Principal investigator/manager of researchers/PGR supervisor
  • Research-related professional services staff
  • Clinical research staff

Knowledge and skill axis

  • Research partnerships
  • Working with business
  • Working with the public and third sector
  • Skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship
  • Local growth and regeneration
  • IP and commercialisation
  • Public and community engagement

Innovation Theme(s)

  • Future economy
  • Growth at scale
  • Innovation ecosystem
  • Government levers

RDF Domain(s)