Reflection on practice

Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self-awareness and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflective practice can help develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in work processes.

This section will direct you to resources to help you to reflect on your own development of practice.

Please note that some resources are temporarily unavailable while we work on updating the Roadmap. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

FormatResourceAimed atLength
Introductory session Introduction to Prosper Postdocs and ECRs 60mins
Blog post How to conduct effective focus groups in an online environment Researchers across all career stages 2mins 51s
Panel discussion Building a Better Research Environment Researchers across all career stages 1hr 3mins
Keynote Realising your potential – and enjoying your career! By Professor Jonathan Tonge Researchers across all career stages 33mins 30s
Talk Update by Prof Georgina Endfield - APVC research environment and postgraduate research Researchers across all career stages 22mins 44s
Talk Update on the research landscape at the University by Prof Anthony Hollander Researchers across all career stages 27mins 20s
Case study A reflection on the support and opportunities available to researchers Postdocs and ECRs N/A
Case study Outbreak at Bluedot Festival  Postdocs and ECRs  N/A 
Blog post Pathfinder: Adventures in researcher land - 3rd edition Researchers across all career stages 1min 36s
Webinar Mid-contract career development check-in Postdocs and ECRs 1hr 34mins
Webpage Author Aid - a free global network that provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in low and middle income countries. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Catalogues Cambridge themes Researchers across all career stages Varied
Multiple resources Development activity guidance Researchers across all career stages Varied
Multiple resources LinkedIn Learning Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage New Researcher  - Supervisor and PI  PIs N/A
Webpage New starter -Induction  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starter PI- Research data management PIs N/A
Webpage New Starters - RSA  Postdocs N/A
Webpage New starters - Vitae Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starters - Vitae Research staff Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New Starters International Researchers  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starters positive research environment  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage NPAW website Postdocs N/A
Multiple resources Prosper Postdocs, ECR and PIs  N/A
Podcast Research communities Postdocs and ECRs  39mins 36s
Blog post Researcher development highlights Researchers across all career stages 2mins
Video Researcher development video Researchers across all career stages 1min 53s
Catalogues Resources mapped to the Vitae RDF Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage Viate researcher booklets Researchers across all career stages N/A
Mulitple resources Vitae Research pages Researchers across all career stages Varied
Talk Creating a vibrant and sustainable Research environment for ECRs Postdocs and ECRs 66mins
Multiple resources Defining and Achieving Professional Goals​, Dorie Clark Researchers across all career stages 33mins
Case study Developing into an independent Researcher Postdocs and ECRs 3mins 55s
Talk ECR and returners fund Postdocs and ECRs 48mins
Blog Everything is PAW-ssible (or so they should be)
Postdocs and ECRs 4mins 25s
Multiple resources Having an Honest Career Conversation with your Boss​ ​1 hour, Lida Citroën Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Recorded interactive session Imposter Syndrome: is it real? presented by Daniela Bultoc Researchers across all career stages 58mins 24s
Visual minutes Knowledge Exchange Concordat Researchers across all career stages N/A
Multiple resources Preparing for Your Review​  ​30 mins, ​Todd Drewitt Researchers across all career stages 30mins
Blog ResDevInYourPJs Postdocs and ECRs 2mins
Website and PDF Researcher Development Framework Researchers across all career stages Varied
Blog Researcher development highlights Researchers across all career stages 2 mins
Video Researcher development video Researchers across all career stages 1 min 53
Blog Researcher Development Vision and Mission Statement Researchers across all career stages 4mins read time
Podcast Sustainable development Researchers across all career stages 56min 10s
Multiple resources Time Management videos ​Various courses by either ​Todd Drewitt or Dave Crenshaw​ Researchers across all career stages N/A
Online course Time management when working from Home​  1 hour 25 mins, ​Dave Crenshaw​ ​ Researchers across all career stages 80mins
Visual minutes UN sustainable Development goals Researchers across all career stages N/A
Blog Working from home as an ECR: the new 'norm' Postdocs and ECRs 1min 42s
Blog   12 days of Researcher Development Researchers across all career stages  1min 46s 
Blog  Behind the Screens: images of research in the time of coronavirus Researchers across all career stages   2min 
Blog Making Sense of Hybrid Practice: Provocations on new ways of working Researchers across all career stages 6min
Multiple resources Professional development planning for researchers online course (PDP ROC) Researchers across all career stages N/A
Blog Pathfinder: Adventures in Researcher land. Launch of Researcher development newsletter, exploring and celebrating our diverse Researcher communities. Researchers across all career stages 1min 32s
PDF Pathfinder: Adventures in Researcher Land - 1st edition Researchers across all career stages N/A
Workshop Impact of Words  Researchers across all career stages 58mins
Workshop Desk Yoga Researchers across all career stages 30mins
Workshop Positively Manage Worry: Worry Less, Smile More, Don’t Regret, Just Learn and Grow Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Workshop Seven and a half easy steps to happiness Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Workshop Preparing for Re-entry Researchers across all career stages 45mins
Workshop How to Achieve a Calmer Life & Cope with Challenges Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Workshop Mediatation for Relaxation Researchers across all career stages 30mins
Workshop Create Your Perfect Vision Board to Manifest Your Goals & Dreams! Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Workshop Help when you need it -24/7 Researchers across all career stages 30mins
Workshop Energise, reset and restore Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Workshop Know you value Researchers across all career stages 45mins
Blog The Benefits of Achieving a Calmer Life – Tips for Researchers Researchers across all career stages 2mins 30s
Blog Top Tips for Researchers to Energise, Reset and Restore Researchers across all career stages 4mins
Blog Recognising thinking processes that affect our wellbeing – Tips for Researchers Researchers across all career stages 3mins
Blog An issue for every researcher Researchers across all career stages 1min 20s
Blog Making time for writing Researchers across all career stages 1min 30s
Workshop The Power of Visualisation  Researchers across all career stages 61mins
Seminar It’s all about you: making your PDR fit with your personal and professional goals Postdocs and ECRs 51mins
Workshop Managing Project Delivery  Researchers across all career stages 102mins
Multiple resources Free templates and planners available to help with your writing, planning and collaboration Researchers across all career stages N/A
Bitesized video Developing Researchers in a Hybrid environment - Researcher Development Roadmap Researchers across all career stages 11mins 58s
Bitesized video Positive Skills for life enabling researchers to be your own success story. Researchers across all career stages 10mins 37s
Bitesized video The Researcher Hub and RSA resources Researchers across all career stages 2mins 59s
Bitesized video What is the RSA and how does it work? Researchers across all career stages 5mins 24s
Bitesized video The Making an Impact Series Researchers across all career stages 8mins 2s
Bitesized video Vitae supporting researcher career development nationally Researchers across all career stages 16mins 33s
Bitesized video Technical colleagues support of research activities and tips for new ways of working Researchers across all career stages 5mins 8s
Blog How to prepare for a successful future Researchers across all career stages 1min 41s
Blog Supporting researchers through the Researcher Development Concordat Researchers across all career stages 1min 19s
Case Study Returning to work (after lockdown 1) Researchers across all career stages  
Case Study The Working environment:Honorary status for postdoctoral researchers and research assistants at the UoL Researchers across all career stages  
Blog Get writing! on the value of #AcWriMo for getting writing done Researchers across all career stages 1min 42s
Seminar PhD to PI: Applying for and doing ECR research fellowships in HSS Researchers across all career stages 58mins 30s
Seminar UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers: What it actually means for research staff at Liverpool Researchers across all career stages 41mins 22s
Seminar It’s all about you: making your PDR fit with personal & professional goals Researchers across all career stages 56min 15s
Blog Pathfinder: Adventures in researcher land - 2nd edition Researchers across all career stages 1min 30s
Blog New opportunities and support for clinical research staff Researchers across all career stages 2mins 6s
Blog What does it take to pursue science for a woman from a rural background? From 609503 to L69 7ZB Researchers across all career stages 4mins
Seminar A9: Preparing for a successful future Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar B6: Inner Realities: Stronger connections and successful futures Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar B8: UKRI and Researcher Development: Changing culture across research careers Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C1: Researching the world, leaving no-one behind Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C7: Releasing Potential - The power of coaching and mentoring Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C8: UKRI and Researcher Development: Changing culture across research careers Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Talk Keynote: Impact Matters: Responding to COVID-19 Researchers across all career stages 53mins 41s
Talk Keynote: The Road from COP26. How innovation is leading the way Researchers across all career stages 76mins
Talk Keynote: Knowledge Exchange a funders perspective Researchers across all career stages 58mins 28s
Panel discussion From Liverpool to Impact: Panel discussion on business development and Collaboration Researchers across all career stages 61mins
Talk Keynote: Climate Change and how Universities can make a difference. Researchers across all career stages 59mins 18s
Seminar B4: Bouncing Back after a Disappointment – How to handle rejection like a professional! Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C4: How to manage a tricky conversation with your manager Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar A2: Self-assessment tools: Knowing me, knowing what to do Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C2: Self-assessment tools: Knowing me, knowing what to do Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Panel discussion Sex changes everything: exploration of sex and gender in research design Researchers across all career stages 59mins 51s
Workshop Making data part of the story - follow FAIR data principles to increase your impact Researchers across all career stages 21mins 24s
Seminar A3: The Talented Dr Postdoc: A skills celebration Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Workshop Informational interviews-discover what they are and their value Researchers across all career stages 41mins 19s
Workshop The UNESCO open science recommendations – how they help you achieve impact or 193 countries can’t be wrong. Researchers across all career stages 28mins 8s
Workshop The art of listening Researchers across all career stages 36mins 41s
Bitesized Video Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Researchers across all career stages 7mins 43s