Communication and Dissemination 

Good communication skills are essential to publishing papers, crafting funding proposals and engaging with the public conversation around research. It enhances the promotion of your research with peers, collaborators and the public, and can result in successful engagement in meetings and interviews.

This section will direct you to resources to support in the communication and dissemination of your work.

Please note that some resources are temporarily unavailable while we work on updating the Roadmap. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Format Resource Aimed at Length
Webpage The Outputs Hub offers a range of online resources to help you disseminate your research Researchers at all career stages 90 mins
Webinar Mastering the art of writing for non-academic audiences Researchers at all career stages 60mins
Worksheet LinkedIn Profile Worksheet and Before After Examples PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs N/A
PDF LinkedIn 10 point checklist PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs N/A
PDF How to Leverage Generative AI Tools for LinkedIn PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs N/A
Masterclass Tips for getting started with Narrative CVs PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 24mins
Masterclass The background to Narrative CVs PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 19mins
Masterclass Animating your research: Producing impactful social media content PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 80mins
Keynote Keynote: International collaborations and partnerships for global impact Researchers at all career stages 1hr
Masterclass Data visualisation: Engaging others with your research PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 105mins
Introductory session Consultancy: Knowledge exchange to that helps to create impact and raise profiles Researchers at all career stages 40mins
In conversation with Keynote: Creative Collaborations - developing Knowledge Quarter Liverpool Researchers at all career stages 1hr
Panel Working collaboratively to create research impact Researchers at all career stages 1hr
Panel Responsible and relevant research in the Global South: what does it take? Researchers across all career stages 1hr
Webinar Policy briefings: How to create a briefing to engage with a policy audience Researchers across all career stages 1hr
Webinar Enhancing Research through Reproducibility and Openness Researchers across all career stages 46mins
Webinar Your Researcher Profile: How to Maximise Impact with Metrics Researchers across all career stages 45mins
Webinar Working less, Accomplishing more: alternative practices for working impactfully Researchers across all career stages 85mins
Panel Narrative CVs: an evolving story Researchers across all career stages 1hr
Webinar Using artificial intelligence in engagement and impact Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Webinar How to write for The Conversation Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Keynote Keynote: Building research collaborations & delivering research impact Researchers across all career stages 60min
Webinar Making social media work for you Researchers across all career stages 70mins

How to enhance your LinkedIn profile and learn savvy networking strategies to propel your career

PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 1hr
Presentations Annual Impact Accelerator Account Showcase Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Webinar Policy 101: how policy is made and how to influence it Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Webinar Using Artificial Intelligence in your Media Engagement Researchers across all career stages 1hr
Panel Decision-making and different career paths for researchers PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 1hr
Workshop Promoting yourself and staying on top of current research innovations through event organisation Researchers across all career stages 44mins
Webinar Combatting Writer's Block Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Webinar Write yourself into an interview: Effective cover letters and applications PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 30mins
In conversation with Discovering the mechanisms that define our world Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Webinar Raising your research profile by writing for The Conversation Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Workshop Positive intelligence – making your mind your best friend! Researchers across all career stages 2hrs
Webinar Public engagement 101: The what, why and how of public engagement PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 70mins
Webinar Writing for public audiences: communicating your research clearly Researchers across all career stages 2hrs
Masterclass Owning your personal brand Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Masterclass Designing and evidencing impactful research: Creating a golden thread Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Webinar Evaluating Impact: Going above and beyond the evaluation form PGRs, ECRs, and Postdocs 3hrs
Introductory session Starting-up a commercial or social enterprise Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Workshop How to identify and approach potential clients Researchers across all career stages 2hrs
Workshop Getting attention: Elevator pitching Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Workshop What intellectual property do I have and how can I commercialise it? Researchers across all career stages 1hr 22mins
Keynote Keynote: Galvanizing research and impact through innovation and collaboration - A conversation with our Vice Chancellor, Professor Tim Jones Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Workshop Don't know where to start with a narrative CV? Researchers across all career stages 60 mins
Workshop Seeing the big picture: Navigating the science policy landscape Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Case study A reflection on the support and opportunities available to researchers Postdocs and ECRs N/A
Keynote Realising your potential – and enjoying your career! By Professor Jonathan Tonge Researchers across all career stages 33mins 30s
Case study Outbreak at Bluedot Festival Postdocs and ECRs N/A
Presentation Public engagement and pathways to impact showcase Researchers across all career stages 46mins 17s 
Talk Update by Prof Georgina Endfield - APVC research environment and postgraduate research Researchers across all career stages 22mins 44s
Talk Update on the research landscape at the University by Prof Anthony Hollander  Researchers across all career stages  27mins 20s 
Webinar Mid-contract career development check-in Postdocs and ECRs 1hr 34mins
Blog post Pathfinder: Adventures in researcher land - 3rd edition Researchers across all career stages 1min 36s
Multiple resources LDC development Team Resources PGRs Varied
Webpage New Researcher  - Supervisor and PI  PIs N/A
Webpage New starter PI- Research data management PIs N/A
Recorded interactive session Getting the most from your PDR/appraisal  Postdocs 29mins
Webpage New Starters - RSA  Postdocs N/A
Webpage NPAW website Postdocs N/A
Podcast Prosper Project Postdocs 45mins 2s
Webpage Prosper: Unlocking postdoc career potential Postdocs N/A
Blog Everything is PAW-ssible (or so they should be)
Postdocs and ECRs 4mins 25s
Talk Microsoft Teams Postdocs and ECRs 56mins
Blog ResDevInYourPJs Postdocs and ECRs 2mins
Podcast Research communities Postdocs and ECRs 39mins 36s
Talk Researcher Development Concordat Postdocs and ECRs 25mins
Bitesized video Vitae supporting researcher career development nationally Postdocs and ECRs 16mins 33s
Multiple resources Prosper Postdocs, ECRs and PIs  Varied
Webpage A to Z of Social Media for Academia Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Online tutorial Academic research foundations: Quantitative, Rolin Moe Researchers across all career stages 161mins
Webpage Author Aid - a free global network that provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in low and middle income countries. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Recorded interactive session Blogging Your Research presented by Alys Kay Researchers across all career stages 1hr 44mins
Webpage British Interactive Group (STEM Communications Network) - A skills sharing network for individuals involved in the communication of STEM, who run regular events and training courses. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage British Science Association - Coordinates, delivers and oversees a number of projects and programmes aimed at engaging more people with science. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Concordat for Engaging the Public in Research - Access the Concordat document and UKRI guidance on Embedding Public Engagement. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Recorded interactive session Consultancy: How to use your expertise to generate impact and help raise your profile presented by Sonja Vujovic, Samantha Croker and Susan Kenny Researchers across all career stages 52mins 57s
PDF Distinguishing between Consultancy and Research Researchers across all career stages N/A
Multiple resources Elsevier - Career development resources for researchers, including a number of helpful career planning videos. Researchers across all career stages varied
Recorded interactive session Exploring and Sharing Research Through Poetry presented by Andrew Holmes Researchers across all career stages 22mins 45s
Search engine Google Scholar - Search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources. It is also possible to set up Google Search Alerts to keep up to date with new developments on chosen search terms. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Citing sources: Overview Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Apps for Research and Writing  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage The iPad as a research tool Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Using iPad, Mac and the web in research, teaching and learning Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage International Association for Public Engagement - Work to promote and improve the practice of public participation. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Involve - A public participation charity which provides support for organisations that are seeking to engage people. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage JISC Digital Media - Useful resources and guides on Open Access and more. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage LabSpaces Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog - Some fantastic resources, such as sections on Twitter and Podcasting. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Blog Making time for writing Researchers across all career stages 1.5mins
Online reference manager Mendeley - A free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organise your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Methodspace - An online research methods community of researchers engaged in research methods, to network and share research, resources and debates. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage My Science Work Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage myExperiment Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) - A useful site which describes what public engagement is and why it matters, along with a number of useful resources for Researchers, including tools to enable Researchers to get involved in Public Engagement and Easy Ways to Get Started. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starter -Induction  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starters - Vitae Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starters - Vitae Research staff Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New Starters International Researchers  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage New starters positive research environment  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Ning  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Online tutorial NVivo Essential Training​, David Rivers Researchers across all career stages 80mins
Webpage Papers  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Online reference manager Papers - A reference and PDF manager for Mac which allows you to cite papers, format references and share your collection with colleagues. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Participation Compass - This tool provides practical information for those working to involve people. By registering you can add methods, cases, library resources, news and experts to their database. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Research Councils - All Research Councils provide specific resources relating to research impact and knowledge exchange. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Blog Researcher development highlights Researchers across all career stages 2mins
Multiple resources Researcher KnowHow Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage ResearchGate Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Slideshare  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Social Media for Researchers Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Social networks for scientists Researchers across all career stages N/A
Recorded interactive session Speed Reading in a Digital World presented by Daniela Bultoc Researchers across all career stages 1hr 18mins
Search engine - An extensive guide of 100 search engines for academic research, broken down into subject specific search engines. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Bitesized video The Making an Impact Series Researchers across all career stages 8mins 2s
Bitesized video The Researcher Hub and RSA resources Researchers across all career stages 2mins 59s
Bitesized video Tips for researchers to manage and accomplish writing tasks Researchers across all career stages 9mins 6s
Webpage Viate researcher booklets Researchers across all career stages N/A
Multiple resources Vitae Research pages Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage Wellcome Trust - A useful section for Researchers on engaging the public in research, along with a helpful guide to Working with the Media. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Bitesized video What is the RSA and how does it work? Researchers across all career stages 5mins 24s
Webpage WikiCFP - A Wiki which ‘Calls For Papers’ (CFP) for international conferences, workshops, etc. Users subscribe to the conferences they are interested in, then the site will email when the submission deadline. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Online reference manager Zotero - A free, easy-to-use multi-platform tool to help you collect, organise, cite, and share your research sources. Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Zotero - Pr Researchers across all career stages N/A
Presentation slides  Public engagement  Researchers across all career stages N/A
Talk The current landscape of research staff development at the University of Liverpool Researchers across all career stages 34mins
Talks A collection of talks from the annual ReConEvent Conference for researchers 2014-2018 Researchers across all career stages Varied
Talk A Synonym for Science is Poetry – TEDx talk by Mike Johnston Researchers across all career stages 15mins 10s
Recording for interactive workshop Blogging your Research Researchers across all career stages 3x 50mins 
Catalogues Cambridge themes Researchers across all career stages Varied
Recorded interactive session Creating Impactful Research Stories presented by Alys Kay Researchers across all career stages 76mins
Recorded session Demonstrating Impact using the UN Sustainable Development Goals presented by Fiona Brannigan and Professor Mark Boyle - – available on our staff intranet resource page. Researchers across all career stages 77mins
Multiple resources Development activity guidance Researchers across all career stages Varied
Personality test DISC personality test Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Elemental Haiku Researchers across all career stages N/A
Multiple resources Everything DISC Resources Researchers across all career stages Varied
Recorded presentation Exploring and Sharing Research Through Poetry Researchers across all career stages 7mins 27s
Recording of interactive workshop Exploring and sharing research through poetry Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Article Feeling Stuck? Close your laptop, stop your field measurements and write a poem Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Global UN SDG Report 2019 Researchers across all career stages N/A
Talk Keynote: The impact journey: have we reached the end? presented by Melanie Knetsch Researchers across all career stages 58mins 47s
Talk Keynote: The Knowledge Exchange Concordat: why, what, and when and next steps for KEF presented by Professor Trevor McMillan & Dr Hamish McAlpine Researchers across all career stages 65mins
Visual minutes Knowledge Exchange Concordat Researchers across all career stages N/A
recorded session Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - visit our intranet resources page to view: KTP video: unique three way partnerships that create real impact and drive innovation Researchers across all career stages 34mins
Talk/discussion Making an Impact on Culture presented by Professor Dinah Birch Researchers across all career stages 58mins
Visual minutes Making an Impact top tips Researchers across all career stages N/A
Talk/discussion Making Civic Engagement Even More Important in a Post-COVID World presented by Professor Dinah Birch and Professor Michael Parkinson Researchers across all career stages 60mins
Recorded presentation My Proteins - poetry Researchers across all career stages 7mins 24s
Webpage Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities RFSC Researchers across all career stages N/A
Video Researcher development video Researchers across all career stages 1min 53s
Website and PDF Researcher Development Framework Researchers across all career stages Varied
Catalogues Resources mapped to the Vitae RDF Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage SDG Accord Researchers across all career stages N/A
Recorded presentation Starting with Sciku - poetry Researchers across all career stages 7mins 34s
Multiple resources The A to Z of social media for academia Researchers across all career stages Varied
Webpage The DiSC Model Understanding People's Personal Styles Researchers across all career stages N/A
Recorded presentation The Innocence of Radium - poetry Researchers across all career stages 9mins
Webpage The Literature and Science Hub Researchers across all career stages N/A
Podcasts The Poetry of Science Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage The Sciku Project Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage UK Sustainable Development Report 2019 Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage UN SDG Knowledge Platform Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage University of Liverpool Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (UoL KTP) Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage UoL KTP brochure Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage UoL UN SDG pages Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webinar Who’s Reading Your research? Using Altmetric to track the reach and potential impact of your work presented by Sarah Roughly Barake Researchers across all career stages 49mins
Multiple resources LinkedIn Learning Researchers across all career stages Varied
Blog   12 days of Researcher Development Researchers across all career stages  1min 46s 
Blog  Behind the Screens: images of research in the time of coronavirus Researchers across all career stages   2min 
Blog Making Sense of Hybrid Practice: Provocations on new ways of working Researchers across all career stages 6min
Blog Pathfinder: Adventures in Researcher land. Launch of Researcher development newsletter, exploring and celebrating our diverse Researcher communities. Researchers across all career stages 1min 32s
PDF Pathfinder: Adventures in Researcher Land - 1st edition Researchers across all career stages N/A
Workshop Presenting yourself in a digital age Researchers across all career stages 43mins
Workshop Pitch Perfect: Plan, Prepare and Perform Researchers across all career stages 70mins
Workshop Masterclass Better Blogging: The Ins and Outs of Personal Essay Writing  Researchers across all career stages 90mins
Panel discussion Making a civic impact in innovation, culture and the economy  Researchers across all career stages 57mins 46s
Workshop Developing a Commercial Proposal  Researchers across all career stages 150mins
Blog Why you may soon be consulting an Octopus about scientific research Researchers across all career stages 1min 32s
Blog Difficult conversations - are you ready?  Researchers across all career stages 2mins
Workshop Creative tools you can use every day Researchers across all career stages 68mins
Workshop/seminar Maximising Your Data Impact Researchers across all career stages 150mins
Seminar It’s all about you: making your PDR fit with your personal and professional goals Postdocs and ECRs 51mins
Seminar The good, the bad and the ugly about getting a Tenure Track Fellowship: A panel session led by junior HLS PIs Dr Kate Baker, Dr Jamie Hall, and Dr Siobhan O’Brien. ECRs and Postdocs 56mins 13s
Seminar Rachel Cox, Engagement and Policy project manager at Vitae: Researchers take charge: your culture, your development, your future. Researchers across all stages 41mins
Blog Making an Impact, the University’s flagship annual researcher development activity – 4 years on and still Making an Impact! Researchers across all career stages 2mins 28s

Turbo charge your writing

Researchers across all career stages 68mins

Huffington post articles

Researchers across all career stages N/A

Radiolab podcasts 

Researchers across all career stages Varied
Multiple resources

Story telling website 

Researchers across all career stages N/A
Webpage Aurelia magazine Researchers across all career stages N/A


How to write for Huff post UK 

Researchers across all career stages N/A


Managing Project Delivery 

Researchers across all career stages


Bitesized video Developing Researchers in a Hybrid environment - Researcher Development Roadmap Researchers across all career stages 11mins 58s
Bitesized video Prosper and supporting our postdocs Researchers across all career stages 6mins 39s
Bitesized video Tips for researchers to manage and accomplish writing tasks Researchers across all career stages 9mins 6s
Blog How to prepare for a successful future Researchers across all career stages 1min 41s
Blog Supporting researchers through the Researcher Development Concordat Researchers across all career stages 1min 19s
Blog Discovering your path to effective public engagement Researchers across all career stages 1min 28s
Blog Get writing! on the value of #AcWriMo for getting writing done Researchers across all career stages 1min 42s
Case Study Unanticipated opportunities demonstrates the research impact of ECR fellowship Researchers across all career stages  
Seminar PhD to PI: Applying for and doing ECR research fellowships in HSS Researchers across all career stages 58mins 30s
Seminar UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers: What it actually means for research staff at Liverpool Researchers across all career stages 41mins 22s
Seminar It’s all about you: making your PDR fit with personal & professional goals Researchers across all career stages 56min 15s
Blog Pathfinder: Adventures in researcher land - 2nd edition Researchers across all career stages 1min 30s
Blog New opportunities and support for clinical research staff Researchers across all career stages 2mins 6s
Blog What does it take to pursue science for a woman from a rural background? From 609503 to L69 7ZB Researchers across all career stages 4mins
Seminar A9: Preparing for a successful future Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar B6: Inner Realities: Stronger connections and successful futures Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar B8: UKRI and Researcher Development: Changing culture across research careers Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C1: Researching the world, leaving no-one behind Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C7: Releasing Potential - The power of coaching and mentoring Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C8: UKRI and Researcher Development: Changing culture across research careers Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Talk Keynote: Impact Matters: Responding to COVID-19 Researchers across all career stages 53mins 41s
Talk Keynote: The Road from COP26. How innovation is leading the way Researchers across all career stages 76mins
Talk Keynote: Knowledge Exchange a funders perspective Researchers across all career stages 58mins 28s
Panel discussion From Liverpool to Impact: Panel discussion on business development and Collaboration Researchers across all career stages 61mins
Talk Keynote: Climate Change and how Universities can make a difference. Researchers across all career stages 59mins 18s
Seminar A10: Raising your research profile by writing for The Conversation Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar A4: Research Survival: How to manage your health and wellbeing on your research journey Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar A6: Fast track your research impact Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar Policy briefings: Writing, publishing and promoting policy-focused research notes Researchers across all career stages 52mins 29s
Seminar A5: The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar A7: The what, why and how of team science Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar B5: Octopus: changing the way we publish - and do – science Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C6: How to get published in Nature – an ex-editor’s perspective Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Seminar C9: Discovering your path to effective public engagement Postdocs and ECRs 45mins
Panel discussion Consultancy: how applying your expertise can help generate impact and raise your profile Researchers across all career stages 57mins 19s
Workshop Engaging with the media, the how, why and who Researchers across all career stages 95mins
Workshop Evaluating Impact: Going above and beyond the evaluation form Researchers across all career stages 88mins
Seminar Introduction to public engagement Researchers across all career stages 49mins
Panel discussion Showcasing the impact of research and scholarship across disciplines Researchers across all career stages 54mins 41s
Workshop The art of listening Researchers across all career stages 36mins 41s
Panel discussion The benefits and potential hazards of making a cultural impact online and on how this might support our face-to-face activities? Researchers across all career stages 57min 43s
Workshop The UNESCO open science recommendations – how they help you achieve impact or 193 countries can’t be wrong. Researchers across all career stages 28mins 8s