Once you have logged in to LinkedIn Learning, you can refer back to this area and use it to search for the resources that you wish to use.
The materials available have been mapped on to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) which comprises capabilities (domains), competencies and levels of complexity (phases) so that you can identify which skills and level each resource is related to. In some cases, the same resources will be cited repeatedly as they are relevant to more than one competency.
RDF Domain A: Knowledge and intellectual abilities
The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research
Access resources for:
Category A2: Cognitive abilities
RDF Domain B: Personal effectiveness
The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher
Access resources for:
Category B1: Personal qualities
Category B3: Professional and career development management
RDF Domain C: Research Governance and Organisation
Knowledge of the professional standards and requirements to do research
Access resources for:
Category C1: Professional conduct
Category C2: Research management
Category C3: Finance, funding and resources
RDF Domain D: Engagement, Influence and Impact
The knowledge and skills to work with others to ensure the wider impact of research
Access resources for:
Category D1: Working with others
Category D2: Communication and dissemination
Category D3: Engagement and impact
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