Researcher Development and Culture

Access development resources for PGRs, research staff, academics and all research-enabling staff, both provided and curated by The Academy.

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Developed and provided by The Academy

Researcher Development Roadmap

The Academy’s Researcher Development Team have designed a flexible and innovative Researcher Development (RD) Roadmap that provides diverse opportunities for research and research-related staff to create bespoke development pathways in support of their professional practice. The RD Roadmap helps researchers navigate the wealth of online content available to support career development and progression, simplifying access to resources linked to key themes and available in a range of accessible formats.

Events across the research community

Find out about researcher related events and activities and submit your own event for advertisement.

For Supervisors and Principal Investigators

Leadership and Management Resources (accessible to staff only)

Learning and Teaching Development

Support for Researchers who Teach (FLTHE and PGCAP)

University resources for research staff

Resources available to University of Liverpool research staff and can be found below:

Development Support for PGRs

engage@Liverpool is a cross-faculty research and methods initiative across the University

The Research Funding and Outputs Hub - Explore a range of online resources, events and institutional support to help you on your research funding journey and outputs creation at the University of Liverpool

We also recommend visiting the Vitae Research Staff pages

Resources available to all staff

Development available to University of Liverpool staff can be found below:

Health and Safety 

Access to researcher development resources following end of contract

Please note that recorded researcher development sessions are made available either on the Researcher Hub or via the Academy’s intranet, which all staff have access to for up to three months following the end of their contract. Furthermore, the University has committed to giving PDRAs access to the Prosper prototype portal which can be accessed via here for six months after their employment ends. PDRA line managers will be able to arrange an honorary position for six months after their employment ends, allowing them to retain their University email address and to access “Prosper” and other development resources for that time period should they wish to.

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