Celebrating Researchers 2024 – Your Path to Independence 

Celebrating Researchers 2024 is a University-wide event celebrating research staff, recognising their incredible achievements and acknowledging their irreplaceable contributions to the University of Liverpool. During the event research staff are nominated for their achievements and contributions to the University environment. A summer celebratory event then provides an opportunity for research staff to develop their skills and connect with other researchers. The winners of the Research Staff Champion Prizes are also awarded their prizes by Professor Anthony Hollander, PVC for Research & Impact, at the summer celebratory event.   

The summer celebratory event - Thursday 4th July 2024

Celebrating Researchers – Your Path to Independence is our 2024 summer celebration, an opportunity for research staff to connect and engage with other researchers and appreciate the rich tapestry of who they are and what they do. A morning workshop led by career and leadership coach Denise Chilton will allow researchers to discover their strengths, explore their career journey and develop their impact as future research leaders. Following this, nominees and invited nominators will celebrate together with a delicious lunch in the University Quad. 

Please note: The workshop is open to all research staff, including (but not limited to) postdocs, early career research fellows, research associates, research technicians and research assistants. 

Register to attend the Summer Celebratory event here: https://CelebratingResearchers2024.eventbrite.co.uk

Research Staff Champion Prizes

Building on 2023’s success, research staff could be nominated for one of the University of Liverpool’s two Research Staff Champion Prizes:

  • Research Staff Community Champion Prize – For researchers who have helped to foster and build communities of researchers within the University of Liverpool. Examples might include organising research networks or forums; mentoring PGRs or other postdocs; gaining resources for research staff activities that develop research identity, broader leadership skills or a greater understanding of the wider research system.     
  • Research Culture Champion Prize – For researchers who have contributed to the research culture at the University of Liverpool. Examples might include participation in steering groups related to research integrity, and equality, diversity and inclusion (e.g. Athena Swan, Race Equality Charter); contribution to inclusive environment and wellbeing initiatives; organisation of departmental development activities. 

Researchers could also be nominated without specifying a prize category to recognise and celebrate the wide variety of accomplishments and contributions that research staff make.

Nominations are now closed. If you weren’t able to nominate an individual, we would still welcome videos or quotes from colleagues across the University about the value of postdocs and early career research fellows in general, and how they may have helped you in your role(s). All notes of appreciation are most welcomed! Please send any videos and short quotes to researcher@liverpool.ac.uk