12 Days of Researcher Development
Posted on: 10 December 2020 by Dr Angela Midgley (Length: 355 words - Read time: 1 min, 46 secs) in Blog posts

Dr Angela Midgley looks back on 2020 with gratitude.
As I add a little red Father Christmas hat to our twitter logo to be used during the month of December, I am starting to feel a bit festive.
I think Christmas time especially as we are coming to the end of the year brings with it reflection and also excitement about what the new year can bring and I think this year more than ever we are all grateful for the small things and are looking forward to a time beyond this global pandemic.
Amongst all of this, 2020 has been an incredible year for the Academy’s Researcher Development team. We have planned, organised, delivered and engaged with but not limited to…(sang to the tune of 12 days of Christmas :)
1000+ registrations, 30 Institutions, 100 internal and external facilitators, 14 ResDev videos, 11 research blog posts, 9 National postdoc appreciation week sessions, 6 RSA lunch and learn’s, 5 “golden” podcasts, 4 weeks of Making an Impact, 3 café cultures, 1 wellbeing week and a rich bank of living resources.
We would not have been able to have the successful year we have had without the support of many of our colleagues and external partners. Who have embraced the changing format in which we have delivered all of our activities.
Particular thanks to our Research Staff Association for their wonderful contribution throughout the year and in particular our co-Chairs and deputy co Chairs for organising a fantastic Research Staff conference.
A big thank you goes to all our University of Liverpool and the Academy colleagues who’s input and support has been invaluable and has definitely played a major role in the success we have achieved.
We have also loved working with many external partners and would want to also thank Wellcome, Vitae, all our external facilitators, NPAW organisers, Universities throughout the UK and beyond.
However the biggest thanks of all is to the amazing and inspiring Researchers and research related staff that have engaged with us and our activities. You have made all we have done incredibly rewarding and we look forward to more exciting development opportunities and a new Researcher Development Road Map in 2021.
Thank you.
About the author
Dr Angela Midgley is a Research Staff Developer at The Academy at the University of Liverpool. Angela’s role involves implementing researcher development initiatives and high quality development activities, which are aimed at cascading effective practice and developing the capabilities of all research staff across all career stages and faculties. Angela also works closely with and supports The Academy’s Research Staff Association (UoL RSA) in partnership with UKRSA.
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Keywords: Development, Thank you, Research Staff Association .