Committee lay member vacancies
The Central University Research Ethics Committees are currently inviting expressions of interest in the role of Lay Member.
Lay members fulfil an important committee role and have the task of providing the public perspective in the research ethics review process. We are looking for people interested in research to offer their expertise and enthusiasm to help ensure our research practices meet recognised best practice and ethical standards.
Role of lay members
Lay members are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds. We are interested in any applicants with an interest in using their experiences to contribute to the ethical review of University research projects. Individuals will have the ability to make balanced judgments and will contribute to the review of research applications. Induction and appropriate training for the role will be provided.
Applicants should be independent of the University, and have had no affiliation with the University during the previous three years.
Characteristics of lay members:
- Independent of the University
- Able to understand the key issues in research ethics
- Able to comprehend the contents of research ethics applications
- Able to act independently and impartially, and to behave ethically and responsibly
- Able to contribute to the work of the Committee
- A good level of IT proficiency, as the role will involve utilising a number of the University’s digital platforms
- Able to attend meetings during the working day, up to six times a year, with occasional input via email between those meetings.
You will:
- Have the opportunity to bring a wide range of skills to help contribute to the review of applications requesting research ethics approval
- Play an important role in the development of the University’s framework for research ethics
- Play a part in ensuring that University research projects meet good ethical practice.
Appointment process
Lay members may be selected and appointed using nominations or responses to advert. The process for selection and appointment of lay members is:
- Specification agreed (as above)
- Nominations sought and/or advertisements placed in suitable outlets e.g. University Jobs website; local press
- Applications reviewed
- Short-listed applicants invited for interview
- Letter of appointment from the Chair of the Committee, setting out the conditions of the appointment (e.g. duty of confidentiality)
- Those involved in the process would be the Chair of the Committee on Research Ethics, a Central University Research Ethics Committee Chair, and the Research Ethics and Integrity team.
Lay members will not receive payment for their attendance and involvement with the Committee, but will be reimbursed for reasonable travel costs (under the University’s
standard conditions). They will also be included in any training provided for members of the Committees.
The term of appointment will normally be for three years, which can be renewed up to three times. Lay members of the Committee on Research Ethics are appointed by the University Council on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee.
How to apply
If you would like to make an informal enquiry about joing the committee as a lay member please contact Matthew Billington, Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer by email or phone 0151 794 8290.
Formal expressions of interest should be sent to the Research Ethics and Integrity Team by email along with a CV and a brief personal statement.
Having a different perspective can assist our colleagues across the University in making their research more robust, effective, efficient and safe.