Template participant consent form and participant information sheet
Providing information about the research to participants, and gaining consent from participants before their involvement is a critical part of conducting ethical research.
Participant information sheet
All participants need to be provided access to an information sheet, and to understand the full details of the research, and how they will be involved. Please use the following template:
Participant consent form
Before research begins, it is important to first obtain participant’s consent on the basis of their full and proven understanding of what the research will entail. Please use the following template:
These templates should be followed as far as possible, as these have been developed using national guidance and expert input from Committee members and Lay Members. However, there may be times when it is appropriate to deviate from the templates in order to meet the needs of a specific research population.
The Health Research Authority and UK Research and Innovation webpages contain further guidance and templates on good practice when consenting participants.
Good practice in consenting participants
You should consider innovative ways of providing consent that are appropriate to your research population, for example, in addition to participant information and consent forms, could you provide the information using visual methods, such as a recorded video, or a study leaflet. Could you develop your forms in partnership with the communities who will take part in the study? Please see the 'informed consent' section of the research ethics handbook for further guidance.