Research involving human tissue
The University's Policy on research ethics requires that all studies involving human material require ethical approval before they can commence. ‘Material’ includes all material under the Human Tissue Act 2004, whether relevant or nonrelevant – with the exception of cell lines; and the requirement for University ethical review extends to commercially purchased relevant material.
University policy requirements when working with human material
The University Policy on research ethics defines which studies involving human material require review by a University research ethics committee. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Health Research Authority 'Do I need NHS research ethics committee review?' decision tool.
The University human material governance webpages provide information on policy and good practice requirements when working with human tissue; and the research ethics handbook (PDF, 3 MB) also contains guidance on good ethical research practice.
Guidance on the ethical considerations when working with human material
The Human Tissue Authority and the Health Research Authority have a variety of guidance documents on the ethical considerations when working with human material.
The Medical Research Council have produced guidance documents on ethical guidelines for human tissue research (PDF, 2.1 MB), and on the feedback of health related findings in research.
Information can also be found in the University of Liverpool leaflet on human material and research ethics (PDF, 295 KB).
Useful contacts for research involving human material
The University's Research Ethics and Integrity team can be contacted by email for support on ethical issues that arise in research involving human material.
The University's Human Material Governance team host weekly human material drop in sessions to discuss any queries relating to human material or sponsorship.