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Breaking down barriers in biomedical data science

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health and life scientists outside biosciences building

The University of Liverpool has been awarded £500k by the Medical Research Council (MRC) to fund an ambitious two-year project aimed at enhancing multidisciplinary work, diversity and accomplishment in biomedical data science.

The project, BIOMEDASA (Biomedical Data Science Accelerator), will be led by a multidisciplinary team from the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology and the Institute of Population Health, working alongside partners from the NHS, industry and academia. The bid is led by RTPs (research technical professionals).

The project will pilot interventions targeting some of the most pressing challenges currently being faced the field of biomedical data science, by addressing and reducing inequalities in data science, focusing heavily on providing opportunities to underrepresented groups. At present, there is a severe shortage of data science specialists, which is further exacerbated by a lack of diversity in the field, particularly among women and some ethnic minority groups.

BIOMEDASA will prioritise creating inclusive opportunities and fostering collaborative networks by bringing together biomedical and clinical professionals. Through a series of events tailored to a host of different groups, including academics, clinicians, and secondary age students, the project aims to improve engagement, build networks, and spark interest in biomedical data science careers from cradle to chair.

Dr Eva Caamaño Gutierrez, project lead and co-director of the Computational Biology Facility (CBF), said, “We are thrilled to continue our efforts in fostering a more inclusive and impactful data science community. We firmly believe that diversity and inclusion should be central to everything we do, as they form the foundation for building effective, resilient, and multidisciplinary teams. This investment from the MRC aligns perfectly with our vision: advancing together to achieve excellence in both science and careers. Our aim is to drive long-term change and create a legacy of innovation”. To stay informed about upcoming BIOMEDASA events, visit the CBF website. Alternatively, if you'd like to get involved, please contact